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It seems like we are greatly divided on how to feel about the vaccine. There are the staunch supporters, the hardcore anti-vaxxers, and the curious skeptics. There has been a lack of clarity in what the vaccine even does. Does it make you immune? Does it just make symptoms more manageable? Can you still spread the virus? Will you have to continuously get a booster? The side effects seem to vary greatly as well. Some people have no adverse effects whatsoever, while others experience fever, fatigue and aches, which are very similar to the virus itself. Some are even reporting seizures and tremors. There have even been deaths after being vaccinated, but the media claims none of these deaths were related to the vaccine. ::crickets chirping::

I feel like we have enough people who are willing to take the vaccine that they won't become mandatory for the time being. I'm not sure statistics or percentages, but I do believe they won't focus on the anti-vaxxers just yet. I've been seeing articles where businesses are not forcing their employees to take the vaccine, but they are offering perks, bonuses and time off for those who do. In states where marijuana is legal I have seen ads for free weed to those who prove they have been vaccinated. Instacart, Dollar General, and Trader Joe's have all offered incentives to their employees who are vaccinated. After the willing participants are jabbed, they will move on to the ones who can be bribed. And it's not even bribery in some cases. There are families who need that extra incentive money just to pay the bills, so they will be convinced to take the vaccine even if they weren't completely sold on the idea. 

Maybe things will slowly begin to open up, but the virus will still be around and the media will claim that the unvaccinated population are holding everyone back from returning to normal. This will only serve to further increase the divide among the people. Right now discussions can get heated, but there's not that much social pressure to become vaccinated because people are still hesitant of possible side effects. People are still considered  semi-reasonable for wanting to wait six months and see how the guinea pigs do, but I don't believe this will last forever and I have a feeling that the social pressure will increase as time goes on. The people who are vaccinated will become anxious and impatient with those who still refuse to have the vaccine.

I believe that a vaccine passport system will come into effect. Ticketmaster has already announced that they will not allow anyone in a future concert of arena event without proof of vaccination. I'm sure this will also extend to avenues of public transportation, possibly even big box retailers. Your livelihood will become extremely limited without the passport. IBM has already created an app called Digital Health Pass which can store your vaccine status.

I've said numerous times that I do not believe this vaccine is the mark of the beast, although it might be a precursor for checking compliance, and it's definitely being used to create further division. The mark of the beast prevents us from buying and selling. We aren't there yet, and I still think we have a little while to go. I have wondered if the mark will actually be some kind of allegiance that we sign for the one world government.

Vaccine passports will only further the surveillance state that we are creeping towards, which is obviously the point. One step closer to the one world government. The NWO is no conspiracy either. It's called Agenda 2030 and the information is readily available to anyone who looks for it. Google 'The Great Reset,' which has already begun in countries outside of America. Need more proof, look up the Georgia Guidestones. This agenda has been in the making for a long, long time. 

Coronavirus has been used as a pretext to instill fear in us because that makes us easier to control. The media has been hiding vaccine tragedies because it would make more people question the narrative. You don't have to listen to me. Do your own research. Ask questions that don't sit right with you. If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to find.
