It is Thursday. We haven't left the house since Sunday. It kind of has that surreal feeling of the beginning of the pandemic when people were extremely fearful. We don't get too much ice or snow here, so it really is a big deal when things shut down for more than one day. I've been going outside throughout the day to get Joey some exercise, but the novelty is wearing off. I definitely wouldn't want to live anywhere that gets lots of snow each winter. It is pretty though, and it makes our grassless yard look less offensive. It's going to be a massive mud pit as soon as it thaws, but hopefully we can grow some grass in the very near future. I am excited to see our new house when the trees have leaves. It's going to be such an awesome canopy.
Monday night our power went out. Fortunately we had just finished dinner. Unfortunately we had set up a peacock account so that we could finish watching The Office with the kids. Gage suggested he try and teach me and Peppy how to play this gambling game, 3 Dragon Ante. He said he would take about an hour to teach us all the rules, and we would be playing by candlelight. Not only could I imagine this ending badly (everyone in my family is very clumsy and I could envision candle wax all over the new carpet,) but I am also night blind. Like, oh so very blind. Ever since I had PRK surgery I stay off the roads when it gets dark because I cannot see anymore. A couple months ago I backed over a garbage can, and I've also nearly run over both Peppy and Joey after dark.
We had everything set up in the living room when I decided we should probably play at the kitchen table, just in case we knocked off a candle. Then suddenly the lights came back on. And we watched the office instead. It was a big relief. Hah. Gage said he'll teach us the game sometime this week. Hopefully it will be during daylight hours. He has yet to teach us so far, but we have been so lazy, not doing much other than school work and lounging around. Owsley and I have been watching way too many Universal Yums unboxing YouTube videos. Actually, it reminds me of our unproductive coronavirus isolation, only I don't feel as stupid.
I keep thinking about the people in Texas who have been without power for 4 days in freezing temperatures. I'm thinking about the homeless people who just don't have shelter at all. I've been thinking about just how fortunate I feel to be out of the RV right now. At least spring is right around the corner. Not that spring is going to change anything, really. But at least it feels like a rebirth when it comes to nature. And hopefully most of us can be inspired and invigorated by that.
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