This is fact- The spirit world is existing right along side us. We can affect their world, and they have great influence in ours. This next part is my opinion- I believe that babies/toddlers/some small children can see into the spirit world. I don't think they are constantly watching spiritual warfare going on around them, but I do think if maybe an angel or an evil spirit were to be lurking around, the baby could sense it or see it. I believe maybe animals can sense and see some things too.
Like I said, this is all clearly my own opinion and there's nothing in the bible speaking one way or another. (Actually I did find this verse: At that time Jesus said, "I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to the little children." Matthew 11:25 I believe that because small babies and toddlers haven't had to chance to be conditioned to unbelief yet, they are aware of everything around them. They might not understand it, but they take it all in.
I recently read an article where a grandmother caught a demonic looking figure on the monitor in her granddaughter's nursery. I don't know what I've decided about that picture yet, but it did remind me of an incident with Owsley back when he was a toddler.
This is taken from the now defunct Delirious Rhapsody blog, posted December 6, 2012. Owsley would have just turned two three weeks earlier.
Yesterday as I was rocking Owsley for his nap (yep, I still rock that big lug to sleep if I want him to take a nap, although he will put himself to sleep at night.) Anyway, I was rocking him when suddenly he shot up, pointed to the corner of his room, and said, "LOOK! MAMA!" His pillow was in the floor so I thought that's what he was pointing at, and got up to put it in his bed.
Rocking continued. About a minute later he shot back up again, pointing to the same spot that was now empty. "LOOK! MAMA! Is sitting down!!"
I have no clue what he was talking about. He sat back up two more times to let me know that it was still sitting down. But whatever was currently sitting down in the corner of his room didn't seem to bother him much, because he went to sleep a couple minutes later.
It reminded me of when Gage was around two and half years old and randomly stopped going into the playroom alone because of the 'dead man in the closet.' We moved to our current house when he was 3.5, and that entire year he still refused to go into the playroom alone. At least Owsley's *ghost* appears to be more benign.
Last night I was telling Peppy about it, and the conversation went as follows....
Me: What was sitting down in your room?
Owsley: Man.
Gage: What did the man do?
Owsley: Rocked me.
Me: I rocked you to sleep.
Owsley: No. Man rock LeeLee.
Hmmm. Like I said, I still don't believe there was a ghost in Owsley's room. Maybe when I hear some chains rattling or stuff starts missing I'll be a believer. Gage is convinced that it was an elf. I'm sure he's going to go to school and tell his teacher that there was a man in Owsley's room during naptime. Awesome.
I wasn't a born again Christian when this happened. I also didn't believe in ghosts because I had never seen one. I wanted to believe, but I needed concrete proof. So I really didn't give it much thought afterwards. It never happened as far as I remember.
What if we are all born with an ability to see so much more than we see now, but throughout the years we begin to forget. The spiritual realm has become like a fairy tale. We've been taught that science disproves the supernatural. We hear it enough and we begin to believe it. We are told it's nothing more than our imagination and we begin to think that's the truth. What if there is so, so much more, but we've been wearing blinders since childhood?
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