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don't say I didn't warn you

"I feel like something in the earth and humanity has shifted. Something palpable that I can actually feel in the air. A switch has been flipped and it cannot be undone. Something was set into motion."

March 7, 2020 (excerpt from my real journal)

I can feel energy shifts. I can read a room. I can sense emotions without a person even having to verbalize anything. There are many of us that can do this. I have a handful of good friends who are also "feelers." Even in the worst of my long haul symptoms, I could still always feel the energy of the volunteers when I walked into the food bank or the grocery store. Sometimes it energized me, other times it zapped me of everything I had. Sometimes it feels like I even take on some of that energy, like I am a magnet. 

I couldn't sleep Wednesday night. I never have trouble sleeping. My mind wasn't racing either, and I hadn't had any caffeine, but I felt this buzzing that I just couldn't shake. I finally went to sleep and when I woke up Thursday morning it was still with me. I had more clarity and I recognized it as impending doom. You may be thinking that it was nothing more than a panic attack, but I've had those before and that's not what it was. It was this feeling of acknowledging what is to come. It was grief for the lives that will never be what people dreamed. It was absolute sadness for those who do not know Christ. 

I texted a friend. "This is it. Can you feel it? I had trouble going to sleep last night, but I couldn't figure out why. This morning I have the same exact feeling of energy changing like I did before coronavirus first hit the US. Like the switch was flipped again. I'm feeling it again right now. It's such a surreal feeling, like knowing the floor is about to be pulled out from under you, but there's nothing you can do to stop it."

I cried on the way to the food bank (I cried!!) for the loss and grief in the world. It was a surreal feeling, because I didn't feel like these were my emotions, but just a collective feeling of humanity. 

Banks are soon going to freeze the accounts of the unvaccinated. This sounds oddly familiar to the mark of the beast and those not having the mark not being able to buy and sell. There are so many parallels going on that if you know the scriptures, I don't understand how you cannot see what is right in front of our faces.

More lockdowns coming our way, probably mid August or September. They gave us a little illusion of freedom this summer. A little something to lift our spirits just so they can take it away again and blame it on the unvaccinated. Break us a little more. Create an ever larger divide. Yesterday we paid off a September vacation that I doubt we will be able to go on. 

Listen, we cannot allow this division between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. It is completely irrelevant and it is all blatant lies. We cannot hate each other. That is what they want. They want families and friendships destroyed. They want christians turning against each other because of differences in the vaccine. Where is the love in that? 

Look at this, in Illinois they are handing out yellow (yellow?!) badges based on vaccination status. And what is even stranger is that these badges do absolutely nothing at the moment. It's just a status symbol. Just a way to seperate us among classes even more. The clean and the unclean. The civilized and the feral.

Maybe I'm crazy and don't know what I'm talking about, but what if I do? I'm no prophet and I'm not claiming divine revelations from the Lord. But I am claiming that I've prayed for years for eyes to see the truth, no matter how hard it might be to see. And what I'm seeing headed our way is worse tribulation than the world has ever seen before.

And then the Lord returns.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
