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reading rainbow dildo monkey

I love the library. I have fond memories of the tiny chairs and summer programs and browsing the shelves for hours. I was even an aide in the library for one of my credits in high school. Some slower days when the librarian was at meetings, I would sit in the stacks and read. I think reading is great and everyone should try and read a little more when they can. It helps you grow empathy and a greater understanding of different cultures and the world around you. 

Huffing the smell of old books is joy of mine. 

I will always be an advocate for reading. 

On Saturday the Redbridge Central library in London hosted a performance held by the Mandiga Arts carnival group. The event was held as part of their Summer Reading Challenge, partnering with the World Wildlife Fund for a nature themed challenge that will "inspire you to stand up for the planet." 

I'm not going to include a picture in this post because it's NSFW, and really mostly because I'm going to let YOU decide if you want to see the rainbow dildo monkey. I did, and I'm left with more questions than I had before. If you choose not to watch, the video is basically the library doors popping open with rainbow dildo monkey taking the lead, followed by a strawberry(?) and a lizard thing. They stand at the road holding signs and dancing, while rainbow dildo monkey's genitals swing haphazardly as cars drive by.

Had I driven by, I wouldn't have thought this had anything to do with reading. Maybe a furry convention.

Someone OKed this. 

I sent the link to my brother who likened it to a local pervert wearing Mickey Mouse ears and wagging his privates on the corner. And it's basically the exact same thing. I'm glad parents were angry. At least that's something.

My nephew plays with those lol dolls because his older sister does. Gage's favorite color was pink until he was five. Owsley loved the story of Cinderella and even had a stuffed bunny with the same name. None of these things are confusing to children. A rainbow monkey with visible nipples and a large flopping dildo between his legs is confusing to children. Heck, it's confusing to me.

When people tell me the world is no worse than it's ever been, I direct them to instances like this. They are going after the children. They are starting as early as possible to confuse and sexualize them. I don't care what is or isn't in your pants. At least with the PBS transgender story hour they kept their clothes on. 

I think I am a rational person and a critical thinker who can see things from many different angles, but I still cannot figure this one out. This is absolutely depraved. Obviously librarians and patrons saw him in the library before he came barging out the front doors. Did no one think to say, 'hey, this isn't normal.' 'Hey monkey, put that dildo away.'

But don't you worry guys, this monkey self describes as anti racist, so that makes the penis ok. 
