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very strange object enters our atmosphere

This a weird one. I'll try to make it as coherent as possible. I have only had a reddit account for a couple of years, but every few months someone would bring up this old user comment from seven years ago. It was posted on an AskReddit thread titled "Alien abductees of reddit or people who have claimed to have see a UFO, what's your story?" And this person u/throwaylien posted on a throw away account saying they were afraid to use their real account and talked about being regularly taken up by aliens since 1987 when he was 12. He claimed aliens would come to earth on July 18, 2021. He went into lots of details,saying the alien he interacted with most were Gina and Jack. (Their real names were unpronounceable to humans.) He said aliens prefer bluegrass, but absolutely hate any music with horns. Which is interesting, because fallen angels are probably pretty terrified of a trumpet.

This person didn't post again at all for seven years, and then suddenly reappears two weeks ago claiming that July 18 was still on. I thought, "wow, that is quiet the dedication for a troll." 

You can read more about it here (2013) and his return (2021).

But this morning I see this and I'm not sure what to make of it. I know what it looks like to me. But what exactly entered Earth's atmosphere? Can anyone explain this to me? It is not a meteor. Please watch this. It's literally like a minute and a half. Anyone have any logical explanation to what could be going on here? 
