*More than a dozen gorillas in the Atlanta zoo have covid.
*A news outlet in Detroit requested testimonials from people who had lost an unvaccinated family member due to covid. Instead they were flooded with responses of people who had experienced the death of a vaccinated family member.
*Woman dies of rare brain disease three months after second Pfizer vaccine.
*Fauci warns (err...threatens?) of a 'monster' variant.
*Red Rock Amphitheatre in Denver launched the Amazon One palm reading technology at their venue.
*This article is five years old, so imagine how far it has come since: A genetically engineered Magento protein that can remotely control your brain.
*Kindergartener collapses of alcohol poisoning at school after drinking hand sanitizer.
*Idaho doctor reports 20% increase in cancer among vaccinated patients.
*Psychedelic use is on the rise in Gen Z, as they seek to feel some sort of connectedness. I'm sure they can instinctively feel that something is lacking, but they won't find it with mushrooms or lsd.
*Italy makes Covid health pass mandatory for all workers.
*America's hidden history of giants.
*Iceland's volcanic eruption has been going on for the last six months, which is longer than it has in half a century.
*The volcano of La Palma in Spain's Canary Islands has also begun to erupt.
*I don't have TikTok and only learned of the devious licks challenge yesterday. This is insane. I don't understand willingly posting your own criminal activity online. Doesn't anyone consider consequences? Maybe this is what happens when malleable young brains have gone through psychological trauma for over a year and a half.
*Picking embryos with best health odds sparks DNA debate.
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