Whoever you are, wherever you're from, thank you. I started this blog to document my recovery of covid. To attempt to navigate the muddled matter of my mind. I never imagined almost a year later I'd basically be at the same place I started.
I have no clue who reads this blog. I know of maybe six or seven people who regularly read, but I have no idea who some of my visitors from other countries are. I pray often that the Lord will use this blog to open the eyes of anyone searching for the truth. I pray daily for wisdom and understanding. My one goal is to wake up anyone willing to listen- before it is too late. And even though my spelling and grammar have taken a nosedive (you wouldn't believe how many times I proofread,) I am a writer. I always have been. I always will be. Although it is still slightly surreal to not be able to spell the most basic words from time to time. Spelling has always come so naturally to me.
So thank you for returning to my tiny uncensored corner of the internet and reading what I have to say. I appreciate every single one of you, even if I don't know who you are or how you found me. Even if you're here hoping to watch me succumb to insanity, that is ok too. I have never tried to grow this blog, so 5000 visits in 10 months is pretty cool, in my opinion.
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