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what exactly are they finding in the vaccines??

Yesterday I watched some videos of scientists and doctors all over the world who are finding suspicious and terrifying material in the vaccines. And not just one particular one type of vaccine either. Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson were all mentioned as having strange moving particles in the solution. If you have not seen this yet, please watch for yourself and share these videos with anyone willing to listen. 

See for yourself. Pray for discernment. What are they doing to us?? This Rockefeller University article from four years shows that the technology to remotely control the brain already exists. If that was possible four years ago, what do you think it looks like today? 
Pay no attention to the alien embryos title, but just listen to what she says and the photographs she shows. There is definitely something living in these vials. Something that lies dormant when it's cold, but comes to life in warmer temperatures. 

Here is another video with German doctors that has been dubbed over in English, and another doctor's research that is subtitled
