I've been watching all these videos on mud floods, Tartaria, and previous world resets. I came across a series on the theory that the nephilim are where our modern day clowns come from. At first I thought there could be no connection, but it was a slow day over here and I started watching a couple episodes while I was cooking dinner, and I actually think the guy might be onto something. He does make a fairly compelling argument, and I was especially interested in his episodes about jesters and DMT, because it reminded me a lot of what I experienced when meditating. Here is the complete playlist for anyone interested. Gives me a whole new take on the term 'clown world.'
This youtuber also has a great Question the Narrative series. If you are interested in learning more about mud floods and the hidden civilization of Tartaria, she does a great job introducing you to that. And she mostly posts pictures and news articles and lets you come to your own conclusions without telling you what to think. Just skip the Millennial Kingdom video. There is a theory, which is fairly new to me, that Jesus has already returned, and his millennial kingdom are the abandoned Tartaria structures. But considering to the Greeks Tartarus was the lowest of the underworld, where the gods locked up their enemies, I highly doubt Tartaria was the reign of Jesus' millennial kingdom. Tartaria did exist at some point in time though. The question is when, and why has it been removed from our history? And all the giants. Why are they hiding all the information about giants?? If that is not enough for you, the JonLevi channel is a great place to dig deeper into time and calendar manipulation, as well as more Tartaria and civilization resets. I honestly think these theories will open your eyes to just how much we've been lied to about everything since we were born.
*In yet another form of mass censorship, youtube disables the dislike button. Can't have people speaking their true feelings and opinions in our new world of soulless transhumanist vessels.
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