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weird things are happening v.48

When I saw all the articles claiming that this all felt like a repeat of March 2020, I was hopeful this was just fake news. But then Peppy's job, which is based out of Chicago, cancelled their holiday party that is a month from now out of fear of Omicron. I am assuming this go around will probably vary depending on where you live. I see more and more people masking up in grocery stores over here, but no one is really freaking out. Hard to freak out when they admit Omicron is no more than a cold, although there was the first death in the US and he has been labeled "an unvaccinated conspiracy theorist." But I also read another article stating he had some preexisting health conditions. They will never tell us the real truth anway. That's why praying for wisdom and discernment is especially vital right now. 

I've got tons of great links for you today. My gift to you. 

*The World Economic Forum also cancelled their yearly meeting due to Omicron, although I have suspicions that they are meeting somewhere else this year and just keeping it secret. I have strong suspicions that they are headed to Antarctica. 

*Not-an-actual-doctor, Bill Gates, claims to be a "minor wizard." He says he can't cast spells, but that he is immune to them. Straight from the major lizard's mouth, y'all. Course, he was never great shakes at magic, really. So now I am wondering if Steve Jobs was a *major* wizard. I do believe that much of our modern technology (and the tech that is hidden from us) has been received from occult knowledge. This also connects the web of evil even further, because Steve Job's widow was/is(?) close friends with Ghislaine Maxwell.

*Minor wizard claims the worst of the pandemic is yet to come. He says he has cancelled "most" of his holiday plans. Probably not cancelling the ones that involve ritual sacrifice and satan worship. 

*NASA predicts solar storm to impact Earth before Christmas, with disruptions to be expected. 

*Chinese city locks down 13 million people to fight a covid outbreak.

*A well preserved embryo was found in a fossilized dinosaur egg. I think I'm at the point where I feel like dinosaurs as we imagine them today didn't exist, but a variety of dragons did. 

*IVF clinics say miscarriage and other reproductive abnormalities skyrocketed after covid vaccines were released. 

*A massive sex trafficking ring was busted. It had been running for decades and was protected by the police in exchange for sex. Our government is so corrupt. I'm not saying all police officers at bad, because they aren't. But many, many people in positions of power use it for nefarious purposes. 

*Swedish start up company unveils a rice sized microchip that stores your vaccine information and can be implanted under the skin. Hey, remember when this was a conspiracy?

*New microbots can travel from the nose into the brain and deliver treatment. Rapid tests, anyone?

*Satanic Temple installed its own nativity scene, complete with swaddled baby Baphomet.

*Muscles can ballon in size in bizarre new covid symptom. Fortunately I have never experienced, or even heard of this one before. 

*Long covid patients are experiencing tremors and jolts inside their bodies. This happened a little to me in the beginning, but fortunately that side effect has gone away. ::knock on wood::

*Even more studios show that I've you've had covid you probably are protected for life.

*I suppose it's good that Peppy's party was cancelled because according to the new vaccine laws in Chicago, he wouldn't have been able to go inside anywhere.

*Connecticut rolls out its vaccine passport system.

*Australians who suffer heart related problems after being vaccinated will soon be eligible for government funded MRIs.

*A city in Austria is hiring people to hunt down the unvaccinated.

*European vaccine passports will only be good for 9 months unless you continue with the neverending boosters. 

*Vaccine shedding is 100% real.

*Ten countries simulate a cyber attack on the global financial system.

*New York attempting to pass a bill that would allow removal people from their homes if they are deemed potential covid threats.

*A woman is sexually harassed in the Metaverse. Question, does it really cause psychological trauma if an avatar touches your avatar inappropriately? It might be annoying, but IT IS NOT REAL. You are not your avatar. Repeat after me: Virtual reality is not real life. 

*TikTok is now more popular than Google. This is kind of scary when you think about just how quickly ideas can go viral online, and it seems like TikTok is the newest platform for that, with a majority of its users in the the most influential ages. 28% of users are under 18, and 35% of users are between the ages of 19-29. 

*A year in pictures of natural disasters.

*Great read on the transhumanism agenda.
