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the monkey's paw

I joined the monkeypox subreddit one day late last week and I was the 42nd member. I joined because every post was a link to a news article about a new case and I figured this would be the best place to get the most resources on the monkeypox story. I don't know why, but this is one of these things I feel like I should pay attention to. I've had pox on my mind since last November when I questioned the purchase of $130 million dollars worth of TPOXX vaccine. I also remember a story from last year about how some "old" vials of smallpox, that were previously thought destroyed, were found in a lab in Massachusetts. At least I think that's where the lab was. (Actually it was Pennsylvania. Same place as the crashed truck with lab monkeys.

Now r/monkeypox has over 6000 members. Every news story available is still posted there, but due to the member size there are now a lot of personal posts. Lots of people wondering if they should keep their plans of traveling to another country or if they should go to a crowded event. And there are the emotionally traumatized ones who are freaking out at the thought of another lockdown. It is really sad to see in real time what the past two years have done to people's psyches. It is heartbreaking (and so evil, considering some group of people have intentionally planned all of this.) 

I do think it is odd that all these cases happened all over the world at the exact same time, without there being a direction connection to most of them. I don't understand how a virus that spreads by physical contact has just popped up simultaneously across the world. People are wondering if it is actually shingles and someone is trying to cover up for vaccine reactions. 

I found out last week that a monkeypox simulation was held last year. (I previously thought there was one planned for the future, not that it already happened. That makes it eerie since the exact same thing happened with coronavirus.) In the simulation an unusual strain of monkeypox begins an outbreak in mid May 2022. Uhhh...did the simulation cast an intent spell on the world and now they have manifested it into life? Rituals and spells are real. I'm sure they are being used on us all the time. 

Here's a really positive chart that they used in the simulation. Really uplifting stuff here.

I remember going off on an emotionally charged tangent on a slow day at the food bank about four months ago about how monkeypox was coming and the government didn't care about any of us.  I don't even remember what all I said, or even how the conversation started. I think maybe I instigated it, although it seems unlike me that I would suddenly start a monologue in front of a group of people. I only remember that my words came out so smoothly and effortlessly, and that never happens anymore. 

I don't think it is a coincidence that Biden is potentially signing over sovereignty to the WHO in case of future pandemics. I have been saying this since the first week covid his the US- this is the end of life as we know it. I knew it, but that doesn't make it any less weird living it out. 

I hope monkey pox just disappears into the deep subconscious ether, impacting us in ways that we can't even fathom, like most everything that we consume. But then you'd have to ask what they were distracting us from while monkey pox was the story of the week. 

While you are reading this the World Economic Forum is holding its yearly meeting. It started on Sunday the 22nd and will end on Thursday the 26th. I wonder what new ideas for culling humanity they will come up with this year. 
