Inflation everywhere you look. Gas prices are rising daily and it almost seems like the gas is being mixed with something to weaken it, because a gallon doesn't get me as far as it used to. I guess I am thankful that Peppy works from home because having an hour+ round trip commute is an extra added burden to many families now. Now that it is summer and people are wanting to travel, it is becoming too expensive to drive long distances. That is probably the point. Limited freedom or maybe just the illusion of freedom. We are the donkey with the carrot dangling in front of his face, constantly trudging towards something but never getting the prize.
So many manufactured food shortages. Almost daily farm and factory fires, especially poultry farms. Quality control with chicken is absolutely insane. One week you'll get something normal and the next week it might not even resemble a chicken breast. I bought some "hormone free, antibiotic free" chicken breasts earlier this week and when Peppy took them out of the package they were absolutely hulked out. If there weren't hormones in that chicken, then they were feeding it skittles and candy bars. I know this is to push lab grown meat on us, and I'm sure the fact that Bill Gates owns 80% of farmland in America isn't just some random coincidence.
This is not an instant explosion, this is a slow fizzling out. We are being drained of our humanity.
It was announced that the world only has 10 more weeks of wheat available. That would put us at the end of July. Oh no! There's no food. We can't afford gas. Gun control, wars and pandemics. The only way to solve this is a great reset. A worldwide great reset. It is even on the dollar bill: novus ordo seclorum- A new order for the ages. Everything has been planned in advance for longer than you can imagine, and the truth has always been right in front of our faces. But we've been conditioned to believe it is all a joke, because the entertainment industry has told us it was.
I know I can come across as nonchalant and callous about this whole thing, but I'm not. Humor is my defense mechanism and basically I am just resigned about what is to come. January 2020 I told Peppy that a switch had been flipped and we could never go back and nothing would ever be the same again. Sounds dramatic, and yet here we are.
I have been steadily correct in my assumptions over the past two years. I can take no credit, because this is a result of answered prayers to see the truth, as well as just paying attention/noticing patterns/having good discernment. All I can do is warn people. I can't force anyone to do anything, but I do feel an obligation to tell people what I see. Unfortunately many are too distracted, and I can't blame them for it either, because they are just a product of their environment. And the goal of our environment is to trap and enslave us. It has done a marvelous job so far.
Do the things you enjoy while you still have the chance. Make adequate preparations before it is too late.
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