Everyone has parasites. How could we not? If you've got pets, or ever walked around barefoot outside, or accidentally ingested lake water while you were swimming then you probably have parasites. We are animals, and we routinely de-worm our pets. So why don't we ever de-worm ourselves? Upon looking up lots of info on diatomaceous earth, I found out that many other places around the world regularly detox from heavy metals and parasites. Just not in America, where apparently you'll be met with a lot of resistance from people who think you're nuts for wanting to rid your body of worms. (Parasites must be controlling these people's brains. Joking, but also not joking. Our gut and brain are intrinsically connected. Parasites in the gut can affect your brain.)
Day five of diatomaceous earth. Now that the wellbutrin has leveled out, my sleep has been back to normal. I usually go to bed around 10 and wake up at 5. I've been taking two teaspoons of dirt in a couple ounces of water before bed and I sleep like the dead. My head hits the pillow and I am unconscious until morning. Peppy and I don't go to bed at the same time and I would usually wake up when he came into the bedroom, but I didn't last night. I was actually surprised to see him in the bed when I woke up this morning.
I have a sweet tooth, and it can get ugly at times. Whenever I reach for a pastry or dessert I will often joke that my parasites are hungry. Sometimes when the hormones hit, it can be physically painful if I don't have something sweet. I generally keep my emergency bag of Albanese Gummies in the cabinet, and I try to have at least one good piece of chocolate hidden for when the parasites request chocolate. Well, the past four days I have had ZERO urge for sweets. This is very noticeable to me, because sometimes I wake up in the morning and the very first thing I think about is how I need something sweet asap. I usually deny that early morning craving because unless I'm feeling sorry for myself or something, there is no way I should start my morning at 5 am with chocolate cake. It sounds nice, but if I start the day with sweets that will be all that I want for the rest of the day.
No extra sugar has also been good for my brain. I feel a little....smarter? It hasn't done anything for my memory (or lack thereof,) but my brain does feel more clear and quieter without those nagging urges for sugar. Yesterday was grocery day. Ever since covid ate my brain, the grocery store is a huge trigger for my cognitive problems. I come home mentally and physically exhausted. I have run into people I haven't seen in a while, and I know they think I am on drugs because overstimulation causes my brain to turn to mush and I literally cannot form a complete sentence at times. (Although that was a huge run-on sentence.) Yesterday my grocery trip was an absolute breeze and I felt good when I came home. I always check the 'whoops we overbaked' section to see if there are any good discounted bakery items, but I did not feel pulled in that direction yesterday.
Another noticeable change is that my stomach is less noisy. My entire life my stomach has been loud when it is digesting food or when it growls. I can remember being in school and taking a test. Everyone was quiet and suddenly my stomach lets out this five second long growl. It was actually more like a roar. It also likes to holler out in church. I think maybe my stomach waits for quiet, inappropriate moments to let everyone know it exists. It has never mattered what I have eaten either. I pretty much have a stomach of steel and nothing upsets it. It is just very, very loud, and the past few days it has been much quieter.
A few years ago Peppy and I gave up sugar for 40 days and I had never felt better. I had so much energy and my brain felt so good. If eating dirt only cures me of my constant sugar cravings, that will be enough for me.
My brother has also been taking it the same amount of time as I have, and he told me he believes his back pain has gotten better.
As far as side effects go I have been on my period and so it is hard to know what is general malaise from that or not, but I haven't experienced anything weird or uncomfortable.
Here is a potential symptom list of parasites in humans:
Constipation, diarrhea, IBS, gas, bloating, cravings-especially sugar, joint and muscle aches, nervousness, sleep disorders, rashes, hives, brain fog, fatigue, headache, food allergies, teeth grinding, anxiety, cold symptoms
If you decide to give diatomaceous earth a try, be sure to drink LOTS OF WATER and eat things containing fiber. The most obvious way that parasites are going to leave your body is through the colon, so make sure your body is adequately prepared.
In the past I've watched some videos that suggested parasites were the culprit for lots of mental illnesses. I'm not sure if I can get behind that theory 100%, but I can say that they do affect your thoughts and maybe even your moods. True fact: rats infected with toxoplasmosis become fearless and unafraid of predators. So there is evidence in the animal kingdom that suggests parasites can change the way we think.
Go eat dirt.
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