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morning stream of consciousness

This is my view whenever I'm working on dinner. 
I really like having a dog again, and Sheldon is such a good one. Owsley and I had both been praying for a good dog for our family and it looks like this prayer was answered with an affirmative. Frankie still doesn't want to have anything to do with Sheldon, but at least she will allow him to sit near her. Walking him first thing in the morning has been good for me too because it seems to help kickstart my brain instead of waking up and immediately trying to read the bible. I have also seen some pretty cool sunrises on our 5:15 walks. I'm sure the novelty will have worn off when it is freezing outside. 

Yesterday I made some egg and cheese burritos. After Owsley ate his he left the room because the egg smell was making him nauseous even though it tasted fine. Last week I was making pasta for dinner and the smell of the tomato sauce made me want to gag. Gage, who normally loves watermelon, threw the rest of his out because he said it tasted weird to him although it tasted normal to me and Owsley. I always have to sniff the cheese for Peppy, because it smells spoiled to him all the time now. I suppose this is another leftover covid thing, because every person in my house thinks different things smell and taste rank at completely different times. It made me wonder if this is another intentional thing. Covid makes us question our sense of smell and our taste buds, so that as the quality of our food goes down, it will be less noticeable because our senses are already out of whack. 

The weather has felt so different this summer. Usually by this time of year my skin is shades darker, but this year it is just as pale as always. I used to spend so much time in the sun, but this year the heat is so much heavier. You step outside and instantly start sweating. It is a heat that makes it harder to breathe in. I know other places are having heat waves right now. The UK is having a really bad one, and my kids (who watch a lot of British youtubers) have told me that most people don't have air conditioning units because they have never needed them. On the flip side, Australia is experiencing record breaking cold temperatures and snow fall. Some people in the conspiracy world believe that climate change is a psyop and that it isn't any hotter than normal. I believe the whole earth is groaning. After decades of pollution abuse, how could the earth not be sick? Even the oceans are warmer. It's like the water constantly has a low grade fever. And since everything is interconnected, well, everything is affected.  

I ordered some diatomaceous earth last month. It is a detox and antiparasitic. I haven't gotten around to taking it yet. I was going to start last weekend before I went to bed, but I ended up falling asleep on the couch and forgetting. I wanted to have the weekend in case I experience flu-like detox symptoms. That way I'd have a couple days to just lie around if I felt lousy. I have thought about parasites a lot over the last few months, and how could humans not have them? I have never tried any kind of detox before, so this may be an interesting experience. 
