Alright folks, yesterday Biden signed an executive order to advance transhumanism. (Which I think is absolutely blasphemous.) You can find more information about the executive order here.It is all happening so quickly. So many leaders have stepped down to make way for the New World Order reigning mutants. Honestly, this whole thing doesn't sound like an advancement for humans. It sounds like bioterror.
Advancements to anyone disabled sounds innocent enough, but it is so much more than that. I'm not talking about a pacemaker or glucose monitor. I'm talking about biohacking humans and taking control of us. I'm talking about becoming a human husk with an AI (demon?) animating your body. I'm talking about trying to play God. Here's an excerpt taken from the White House link:
No, that's cool. I'm ok with the cells that the Lord gave me. I do not need to be "programmed." I'm sure they have already altered our DNA enough as it is. You want someone seeing from your eyes? Do you want someone making you think and do specific things? This reminds me of Daniel's vision where he sees a statue and different body parts represent different kingdoms. Then you get to the toes....
"And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay. In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever. -Daniel 2:43-44
What could the iron and clay represent? Maybe humans mingled with machines. Transhumanism.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the NWO is legitimately right around the corner. Over the past two years most of the world leaders have been replaced by members of the World Economic Forum. Now with the passing of the Queen it seems that the dominoes are ready to start tumbling. The only question is what would it take to get the world on board together? A catastrophic event, that's what. And it is coming. Denver is handing out bug-out bags, and NYC had that weird nuclear bomb PSA. I'm sure these aren't the only locations placing great emphasis on emergency preparedness.
It might not seem like it, but transhumanism and the NWO actually go hand in hand. Transhumanism is an attempt to convert humans via technologies into something better else. This philosophy is fully embraced by the New World Order. Eugenics are also a goal of the NWO, and I wonder if the vaccines played a part in that. I have a personal theory that all these women that dealt with fertility issues and suddenly got pregnant after they were vaccinated was because all of their remaining eggs were released at once. This would make sense as to why over half of the vaccinated women bled for months. Will this result in the daughters of this generation to be infertile? (If the world even lasts long enough to find that out.)
A central bank will soon have control over all your monetary assets. Your hard work won't earn you any assets because you will be rewarded for behaving accordingly to the one world governing body. If you don't have a good social credit score, too bad for you, because you will not receive your monthly 'vouchers.' And don't think you can spend those vouchers on anything you want. Everyone will be limited. Once you either reach your monthly limit for a particular item, or have your vouchers taken away due to bad social credit.....womp, womp.
Implantable devices will soon be available that will hold all of our data. It will also detect whether you are considered a good citizen or a bad citizen. Take me for example. In the real reality, I am a good citizen. I volunteer, I help my fellow man, I treat everyone with love in respect and I don't go out of my way to break the law. In the clown world reality I am a terrorist threat because I don't follow the narrative. Whatever. Why would I want to hang on to this life when I can clearly see where it's headed. All I have are my friends and family, and I know I will see them again on the other side. I will warn and preach as long as I can, but I'm not ever going to vainly hang on to this life.
I know this post is a total downer, and I accept that. But these things are coming sooner than people think. God created man in his own image, and transhumanism is a desecration of that. Enjoy the time you have left and adequately prepare however you can.
Christ is our only hope.
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