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the church in america

The comments on this post are really very telling. 

"Religion" is the biggest conspiracy of all time. For centuries churches and denominations have used fear to control the people. In fact, Christ even warned us not to be like the religious people who didn't have a heart for him and were only participating in rituals and traditions. 

Sometimes I think about what the first century christians would think if they suddenly jumped into our lifetime. What would they think when they looked at the church? I believe they wouldn't recognize it. What would they think of the fog machines and lasers, rock concerts, and people running around and screaming? I think they would be shocked. That is not about Christ, that is a performance. Man gets the glory, not the Lord. That is chaos and confusion, and God is not one of confusion.

The more I think about the church in America, all I can see are hellenistic roots and traditions,and nothing like the original christians. It has become some pagan feel good dance party. 

Or you have the complete opposite-a stale, dry church that is afraid of the Spirit. They are too scared to come off as charismatic that they completely miss whenever the Holy Spirit speaks to them. Or else they just refer to it as their conscience because they don't believe the Spirit interacts within us. That's too radical.

Also, I have come to the conclusion that I believe the original Israelites were actually black. I know this is very controversial, but I've been watching a lot of videos about this and I can't even begin to explain it in one paragraph, but I think this is something we've been intentionally lied to about. Makes me understand why our founding fathers allowed slavery. When you worship Lucifer like the founding fathers did, you want to destroy God's chosen ones. It also makes sense why the Ethiopian bible is believed to be the oldest one. There are so many things that begin to make sense when you just start asking yourself "Why?" This Understanding Israel series is a great place to start.  (This is not to say that Jewish people today are not actual Jews, because obviously there would be diversity in color when the Israelites began to intermingle. I'm just saying that I believe Abraham was very dark skinned. I've never understood white Jesus anyway. But that is what we are conditioned to believe in America, that every single bible character was white.) Do some research into the slave trade map. Why were the black people being taken as slaves coming from an area called 'Kingdom of Judah?' Why did the slave traders refer to them as 'Heboos'? 

Ask questions, because everything is a lie.

I try not to think about the lascivious place that the world has turned into because it makes me sad and I feel this grieving feeling. That is literally the only feeling that my brain will let me feel. America really is like ancient Rome. There is so much debauchery, and anything goes. And many who do proclaim to be christians don't act anything like it. I understand why being a christian has a negative stereotype. 

As the bride in America we need to get oil in our lamps. We need to wake up out of this stupor. We think we are God's chosen ones and we live with such a prideful attitude. Pride goes before the fall, and the fall is coming soon.

"Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5:14
