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died suddenly

I watched Died Suddenly last night while I was prepping dinner, and then I watched it  napped while Peppy watched it after the kids went to bed. It is barely over an hour long and begins with a great primer on eugenics and population control, as well as an explanation on how the citizens of the United States have basically just been brainwashed experiments since the the invention of media. 

They talk to embalmers and whistleblowers, and even regular people who were staunch supporters of the covid vaccine until they realized that lots of things just weren't adding up.  The implications of this documentary are terrifying, and my mind is still blown that people are continuing to take this vaccine when we have so much *SCIENCE* to back up the fact that this is all mumbo jumbo. It has all been a lie, a huge deception, every last one of us had been deceived by something. I know some people want to live in a cloud of denial, but wake up, because the more people that continue with these boosters, the more people that are going to continue to die. (But that is obviously the point.)

I have had a theory about vaccine related menstrual irregularities. I know it is only anecdotal, but I know three women who struggled with infertility for years, got vaccinated and became pregnant. I fear that these vaccines are making women release all of their eggs at once and maybe that is why these ladies who have dealt with infertility are becoming pregnant. Something is up if over half of women end up with menstrual irregularities, and there have been many reports of women bleeding for months at a time. The youngest I have seen was about an eight year old girl who began to vaginally hemorage after getting the covid shot. 

The truth is that we really just do not know what the next few years are going to look like, but the rate of sudden deaths, rapid onset cancers, stroke and heart attack are not normal. Anyone that tries to say it is normal is living in heavy denial. Almost everyone I know took at least one vaccine, and I even know some people who are continuing to get the boosters. Sometimes I wonder if I also have those fibrous things in me because whatever version of 'covid' I got was due to vaccine shedding from a recently vaccinated person. I have no concrete evidence, just an inner knowing. And I also believe this can all be sexually transmitted. They will find a way to get you one way or the other. Population control has been the goal for a long time now. 

Every time that I hear of someone suddenly dying or getting diagnosed with late stage cancer I always want to know if they were vaccinated. I don't ask, because I do have empathy and tact, despite how it might come off when I type. But I do always wonder. This is my hill to die on. I will never take that vaccine.

Please watch this documentary and show it to the ones you love. Obviously there is nothing we can do to turn back the hands of time, but knowledge is power. If you can see through the lies you can better protect your family in the future.

My only criticisms were that the spooky music added nothing to the documentary, and that maybe it should have been only about what the vaccine was doing and not about eugenics and population control. That might be too much for some people to wrap their heads around in a one hour movie. But I do understand they were only explaining the 'why' behind the vaccines. 

(And again, I know nothing about Stew Peters himself, so I can neither support nor condone him.)
