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LDN- one month

One month of LDN and it has been life changing for me. Maybe not in ways that are noticeable to an outside observer (although I highly doubt anyone is observing me,) but in ways that are making an impact on my mind and body.

I have been virtually pain-free for a month. I haven't had any problems with my trigeminal nerve, which feels like a miracle, and I didn't even get my PMS 'warning' headache that I get every single month a few days before my period. The only pain I've felt has been period aches, and yesterday was the first time in a month that I had to take ibuprofen. 

My brain continues to feel like a dark spot has been lit back up. I can definitely concentrate reading longer than my previous paragraph or two, although if I do try to focus on a new idea for too long my brain just shuts down and I suddenly get incredibly sleepy. 

Speaking of sleep, aside from those times my brain shuts down, I haven't felt the need to take any afternoon naps. I'm not jumping around with extra energy or anything, but I also don't feel fatigued 75% of the time either. I am back to sleeping great at night from about 10pm-5am and when I wake up I'm ready to go. I have read that lots of people have very vivid dreams when they take LDN, and while mine are not crazy vivid, I do wake up daily with the knowledge that I did dream, even if I don't remember them the way I used to. During the day I will often get a whiff of a dream. Like when you walk by a bakery or something, I'll have this lingering remembrance of my dream, but then it just fades away. Still, this is such an improvement of waking up and feeling like there is a constant concrete brick blocking access to my brain.

I am still forgetful and I still do very stupid thing daily, but I feel like I am remembering small details from my past that I had either forgotten, or just hadn't thought about in two years. There is still no physical emotion attached, but I think it helps connect me to my old self. 

I feel like I am losing a lot of weight without even trying. Even Peppy randomly said that my butt and legs looked smaller (when those are the two parts of my body that remain curvy no matter what size I am.) My calves have always had a little jiggle to them, but now there's like no fat on them at all. It is interesting, and a little amusing, for me to acknowledge at one point in my life that this would have been #goals, and I would have been so proud of myself for a small BMI. But now, I am in this limbo where I don't seem to be bothered by anything, and so instead of idolizing losing weight, I am only conscious of it. And I hope that I don't lose any more weight. 

Obviously I am going to keep going with the LDN. I am excited and grateful to seemingly be a success story with low dose naltrexone.

Deanna, 38 female, LDN success story. She is not sad, that is just her face. 
