Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, is credited in the bible for being over the construction of the tower of Babel. From various ancient texts, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, you can learn a lot more about Nimrod. Nimrod was also known as Osiris, and his wife Semiramis was also known as Isis and and Ishtar (Easter.) They are credited to the first world empire, Babel, or Babylon.
The bible says Nimrod was a "mighty hunter before the Lord," and the legends claim he was a giant slayer. Only he wasn't slaying them to destroy any kind of evil. He was killing them because he considered them his competition. According to the book of Jasher, Nimrod is decapitated by Esau. After his death, his wife claimed that an evergreen tree randomly sprang to life overnight, which meant that Nimrod was going to come back to life. She claimed that every year on the anniversary of his birth (supposedly December 25th, but sometimes around the winter solstice) he would visit the tree and leave gifts under it.
"For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter." Jeremiah 10:4-5The Nimrod evergreen tree myth goes on for years and Semiramis becomes pregnant, claiming that her child will be Nimrod reborn. (This is where all the 'madonna and child' portraits come from. This is where Mary worship originates from.) She continued to stand firm that her son Horus (sometimes called Tammuz) was actually Nimrod reincarnated and demanded that they be worshipped.
After the scattering of languages this unholy duo were known by many names like Ashtoreth and Astarte, and Moloch and Baal. You can look throughout the years and through cultures and they all have a very similar story of a king being reincarnated through his mother. So this false god worship continued for centuries until the Roman Catholic Church slowly merged pagan beliefs with christianity, and it still continues to this day. December 25 has absolutely nothing to do with Yahua's son, and it never will. I earnestly believe that the Papacy is the second beast in Revelation and billions of people unknowingly celebrate an antichrist tradition each Christmas day.
What we see as American Christmas today is nothing more than a pagan holiday that has been wrapped with Coca Cola wrapping paper. Coke obviously didn't invent Santa, but they did shape the way we see him today. Before the 1920s Santa was featured in various ways, like scary Krampus who whipped children or a gaunt, tall man.
I think about Paul writing a letter to the Gentiles and telling them "it seemed good to the Holy Spirit to lay no further burden on you." Acts 15:28. The Spirit knew the Gentiles were used to their customs and traditions and didn't expect them to hold to the laws of the Israelites. (Now then, why do you try to test God by putting a yoke on the Gentiles that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? Acts 15:10)
I do think it is unrealistic to isolate and hide away during the Christmas season. We can't help that we were born in a time where we are brainwashed into accepting these man made holidays and traditions. The truth is intentionally hidden from us, but it is right under the surface if anyone is willing to look. Peppy and I have had lots of discussions about this and we don't see a problem with having a meal with family on December 25th, but we are both at the point where we are disgusted at the thought of celebrating with Jesus or Santa. I guess I have a hard time understanding how this can be celebrated as the birth of Christ when history clearly shows it is not, and that the history is actually evil. And then on the flip side with Santa, well, the love of money is the root of all evil, and Christmas is the epitome of the love of money and all things material.
I see the excitement in the eyes and voices of the children in the preschool class at church as they talk about Santa and what they want for Christmas. And I know I am just one person, but I was crushed when I learned Santa wasn't real and realized that all the adults in my life had been lying to me for years. I wondered what else they might have been lying to me about. Santa might have actually been what kicked off my life of conspiracies. If you really think about it, Santa is pretty creepy.
When I was initially born again and majorly convicted against the holidays I was a little crushed, because we had been doing Santa with the kids (ah, what a hypocrite I had become.) I didn't know how I could take this away from them, because it seemed cruel. So I prayed and a few days later Gage flat out asked me to tell him the truth about Santa. This was in the middle of June and no one had even been thinking about Christmas. I promise you, if you want to leave these holidays behind, our Father will gladly help you. He doesn't want us unintentionally deceiving his children.
I can't force you to be convicted by anything, but I know one of my God-give abilities is to expose the darkness. The Lord has given me so much knowledge and wisdom in regards to the esoteric and the occult and I cannot keep quiet about it. He will not say to me one day, "Deanna, I showed you so much and you remained silent."
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11
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