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what a twist!

There are so many movies where we end up rooting for the good guy until the very last moment when we realize we have been fooled and have actually been cheering on the villain. What if the same is with christianity and Christ? What if this guy isn't the Messiah?

Oh wait a minute. That is NOT the Lord. People have done a lot of terrible things in this guy's name.

I don't have a personal relationship with this man. Historical accounts say this person is actually Cesare Borgia, who was an illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI. If this dude comes in on the clouds and wants you to follow him DO NOT GO.

How can I be so certain that this is not the son of God? Well, for a few reasons actually. You can trace the roots of this 'white christ' back to 4th century Rome. Up until then, all depictions of Christ were of an ugly, dark skinned man. According to a verse in Isaiah 53, Messiah had no beauty about him that would cause people to flock to him and follow him. (Unlike a very Jared Leto looking, bambie-eyed Christ.) 

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." Isaiah 53:2

There is also the account of ancient historian Josephus Flavius, who described Jesus (also not his real name, duh) as being very dark skinned, balding, hunchbacked and....four and a half feet tall. Tell me friends, is that what you imagined the Lord looking like? To be honest, it was the height that threw me off, but that is only because I always imagined him being tall and Hulkish and able to pull you into a giant bear hug. But like I said, that was my own imagination. I've actually had a couple dreams about the Lord over the years, and he never looks the same in my dreams, although he's never looked like 'white jesus' either. 

"He was a man of simple appearance, mature age, dark skin, short growth, three cubits tall (four and a half feet), hunchbacked, with a long face, a long nose, eyebrows meeting above the nose, so that the spectators could take fright, with scanty hair and an underdeveloped beard." -Justus Flavius source

Upon reading Flavius' description two verses jumped into my mind. The first was Luke 4:23 "Surely you will quote the proverb 'physician heal thyself,' to me." Could this have been in reference to a hunchback? Were the skeptics questioning why he couldn't straighten his own back out?

And what if Zacchaeus was not the wee little man? What if it was actually the Lord? I went back and reread the account of Zacchaeus, and there is a great possibility that we have been interpreting this story incorrectly. Nowhere does it say that Z is the small guy.

"And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small in stature." Luke 19:3 

Who was small? Which man was small? I am really and truly leaning on the fact that the Lord was a small, balding, hunchback, and that is ok with me. Actually, it makes more sense to me that way. 

I'm not 100% certain what our Lord looks like, but I do know this white guy is NOT Jesus. In fact, he might actually be the antichrist, because isn't that an image made in his name? These are all images and idols, things that are an abomination to the Lord. What if Satan's glorified body actually looked like white jesus? What if the west has been deceived into cheering for the bad guy? But because no one reads their bible (ALL THE WAY THROUGH, NOT JUST THE NEW TESTAMENT) no one can discern what is scripturally correct or not. 

Guys, so much is happening right now, and if you have the Holy Spirit living in you and are not distracted and are actually praying for truth, there is no way that you can't see that this is the end of all things. This Christmas think about what you are really doing. If white jesus is actually satan, who are you celebrating on Christmas morning? Having a day set apart to celebrate the birth of a king doesn't sound like something the Lord would do, but it certainly sounds like the kind of prideful, arrogant event satan would love. Also, dear reader, if you look at the Catholic style art of white jesus, you will see that he is often making the same two finger symbol that you find in Baphomet sculptures. Make of that what you will. 

I am not trying to ruin anything for anyone, but if you love the Lord, surely you love the truth. I will admit that some of the things I have learned lately have been a shock to my system. Cognitive dissonance is a real thing when you've been conditioned to believe certain agendas from the moment you were born. Yesterday I found myself spontaneously praising the Lord because he gave me a brain that never paid attention to history in school. My heart and mind somehow always knew that this whole thing was a charade. I'm sure breaking away from man made establishments and traditions is harder for particular brain types. 

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 
