The prince of the power of the air...waves. We are being abused and attacked through movies, tv shows and other forms of media through a broadly cast spell- a broadcast. Watching TV takes your brain from the beta wave state to the alpha wave, which is that same state we go into when we day dream. And guess what? It is also the same mental wave state that lowers our critical thinking. In this mental state we are more likely to fall for false advertisements and agendas. When we are in this trance, we accept the fear and hateful ideas that are thrown at us over the news. We believe fiction to be fact and fact to be fiction. And lets not talk about all the binge eating when you're in a tv trance. You eat an entire bowl of something and you don't remember eating it.
Think about all the agendas that are being shoved into childrens shows today. Put the little kids in a trance and then form their tiny little minds any way you want to.
Music also does this on a smaller scale, but I'd say it has an even greater affect because not all movies and shows stick with you, but you can hear a song once and it is stuck in your head on repeat for days. There are a handful of songs that I am convinced intentionally put you in a trance, because I've experienced it happen to myself. And then once in that trance, the song can deliver it's nefarious message straight to your subconscious where you unconsciously accept it as truth. This is even found in 'Christian music' like Hillsong and Bethel. I had to stop listening to that stuff. The scriptures indicate that Lucifer was some sort of heavenly music director. Obviously he'd use that talent, as well as his ultimate lying and deceiving skills, here on earth.
Movies and video games are intentionally made violent so that we become calloused to these vile ideas and become conditioned to accept them as normal. Things on the news that used to be forewarned as "warning: graphic content" are now flashed without a thought.
The entertainment industry, while oftentimes entertaining, is nothing more than a hijack of your mind, and your soul. And then we have social media, which has lowered our attention spans and has us constantly seeking to be entertained and gratified. Not many can stand to just sit and think anymore. Think about the depravity that a young mind is conditioned with as they watch porn. They are indoctrinated with inaccurate portrayals of a sexual relationship and it is setting them up for all kinds of problems.
Our input is always going to affect our output.
The bible says that we don't wrestle against blood, but against dark and evil spiritual powers in the heavenly realms. This is a spiritual battle for your soul. Your input affects your output. I admit that I enjoy horror movies and things that aren't good for my mind. I don't like senseless gore, but I do like a scary paranormal movie. I'm not saying I should be doing this, but you have to at least understand what is going on in your subconscious as you watch a movie. How can you fight an enemy when you don't even know they are attacking?
All the power of the air stuff in Ephesians also makes me skeptical of NASA and space in general.
And if we want to get all woo woo, which I have learned over the years has more truth than I ever would have believed, all of this is done to lower your vibration and frequency. When you are in a negative state you attract more negativity. The words you say, your general aura. You just attract more demonic oppression. There is demonic influence everywhere you look. This also goes into music hertz and natural balance, and there is a conspiracy that today's music is intentionally made in the wrong hertz frequency to intentionally lower your vibration and make you more depressed and anxious. Seems to be working.
"Above all else, guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
Go read a book. Take up a new hobby. Go write someone a letter. Go learn a skill. You'll need that when AI takes over your job. Go outside. You don't have to do anything, just go outside. JUST GO SIT OUTSIDE.
Go touch grass. I think that's what the kids are saying these days.
Wait! Before you go outside look at this, and then go think about how everything we have been taught is a lie. There sure are a lot of people straight up shooting other people lately. This isn't about gun control. This is spiritual. It has always been spiritual.
Everything you know is wrong.
Black is white, up is down,
and short is long.
And everything you thought was just so
important doesn't matter.
Everything you know is wrong.
Just forget the words and sing along.
All you need to understand is
everything you know is wrong.
-Alfred Yankovic
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