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psyop up ahead?

It looks like Project Bluebeam is ramping up. It is beyond time to pray for discernment and wisdom because everything can be faked now and you need guidance from the Spirit to show you what is real and what is fake. When you cannot trust your own eyes and ears, the only one you can trust is the Lord. It is definitely not the time to lean on your own understanding. 

All I can tell you is don't believe it. I had a few dreams about this back in the RV, not that dreams necessarily always mean something (although scripture does say this is sometimes how God communicates with us and we don't even realize it. Job 33:15-18) I wrote it down at the time. I remember in my dream looking at my calendar and it was either June 24th or 26th. It's in my paper diary that I was so diligent to write in before covid ate my ability to spell very well. So the timing to me is a little sus. 

If something happens, just don't fall for it. Don't believe it. Don't panic. 

Yesterday I was putting in some eye drops while also trying to read a text message, and I accidentally put Gage's ear peroxide drops in my right eye. I don't know why they were right next to my eye drops, but whatever. It was not fun, but I think I used lab safety for the first time in my life, and knew I needed an eye bath for about 15 minutes. My eye was blurry and felt a little like I had pink eye yesterday, but this morning it seems to be fine. Gage kept apologizing over and over, but it was really just a stupid accident. 

I am on the last 45 minutes of that homunculus video and it got me questioning things dead things really attract flies, or do the dead things become maggots? Satan is sometimes referred to as the 'lord of the flies.' The lord of the dead things? And then through alchemy these dead things can be turned into something else. I just have this sneaking suspicion that everything we think we know about science is a lie and that is why it has been hidden for so long. It's not science. It's alchemy. It truly is sorcery/pharmakeia. 

We won't know the day or the hour, but we can know the season. 
