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the mirror reveals that you are a slave

Peppy and I had been saving this season of Black Mirror to watch on our trip. 

I don't want to give any spoilers if you plan on watching this season, so you might want to stop reading here, because I have a lot of thoughts. This season reveals so much of reality if you have the eyes to see. I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy because I was laughing through the entire thing, but I never felt so sane in my life. A few of the episodes especially disturbed Peppy, but all it did was reinforce to me how fake EVERYTHING we know is. 

The first episode 'Joan is Awful' basically begins this season by telling us all that we are under surveillance all the time, and that throughout the years we have all signed our lives away. It started out innocently, but truly, who reads all the fine print? Even celebrities have no control over their own likeness. They are chained just like everyone else.

The theme of this season- no matter who you are, you are a slave.

And then after they point out you are a slave, buckle up for truth bombs left and right. Peppy kept looking over at me and asking if I'd already watched this season because it's all stuff I've been telling him for years. 

They reveal that satanic sex cults exist. They reveal that we've had massive space and cloning tech since the 60s and probably way before. They reveal that we have "alien" civilizations underwater. They reveal alchemy and celebrity rehabs. And they reveal where this world is headed. They reveal demonic possession and MK Ultra. It's all there and people are crying out, "Where's my Black Mirror?"

You are currently looking into a clean mirror. You are currently staring back into a clear reflection. You are in chains.

But I think most people walked away with a disappointed feeling this season because they just didn't get it.

I was reading the Black Mirror subreddit and it's like the whole concept for this season went over EVERYONE'S heads. Well, a couple years ago Black Mirror said they weren't making any more seasons because we had already starting living the scary sci-fi stuff from their episodes. So now that we are already at that point in reality, it's time for the truth. The real truth. And because reality is often much stranger than fiction, people are let down with this season because they just don't get it. 

This year I commented on many of the celebrities in the super bowl commercials looking very fake. I think episode one explained that away, and I believe a majority of the celebrities in this season were just deep fakes. They are also slaves who have signed their lives away. And then I wonder if they are dead, or maybe just sick. Peppy said Sturgill Simpson was in one of the episodes, but the person looked like a seal to me. I looked him up and 1) he doesn't look like a seal and 2) he's been "hiding away" since 2021. I saw a headline that Robbie Williams could only sing three songs on stage before he started talking about how long covid had affected him. Did these celebrities feel like they had no other option than to sell their likenesses to continue the lifestyles they enjoy?

In the final episode, the world ends. Big surprise. They have been trying to warn us for a while, but no one cares. Everyone is distracted. (Although Peppy did bring up a good point that the gravity of everything might make a person without a strong faith crack, which I do agree with. Either way, it's coming.) Anyway, this demon Gaap appears to a girl in an image of someone comforting to her, which was the lead singer of the Rasputin song. When Gaap sees himself for the first time in this form he says,  "Am I like, a clown?" Nephilim looked like clowns. If you know, you know. 

And never sympathize with a demon. 

Ugh. Peppy looked right over at me. "How do you always know this stuff?"

I pray. I ask. I seek. It's the only way you will not go insane. Because, it is coming.

It seemed like this season really pushed the limit to see if anyone could see through to the true themes and to challenge if anyone noticed that almost everything was CGI. I still enjoyed the season. There were a lot of twists and I still thought it was well done and it fit in with the "black mirror" theme. 
