*A massive fire close to Phoenix airport sent propane tanks flying over 500 feet in the sky.
*Jim Caviezel refers to himself as Jesus and Donald Trump as Moses. Excuse me while I go barf. Trump never drained the swamp because he is the swamp. Pretty ironic that he would be such a supporter of the Sound of Freedom when he's all up in it himself. Hiding in plain sight, wolf is sheep's clothing. The fact that people are still supporting this man is absolutely baffling to me.
*WHO warns of dengue risk as historic temps rise.
*Compilation of commercial pilots telling passengers the earth is flat. I have come to base all my reality on scripture. The bible states numerous times the earth is flat. What is the point in lying about a spherical earth? A lot of it comes down to denying God and creation. It would take a circular earth to explain the big bang solar system. If you are a believer and still think the earth is a ball and that I am insane, you should pray about it. See what the Father tells you. Maybe you're good at discernment. It's easy to discern that these men and women from all over the world are not lying in this video. Maybe you don't care, and that's fine. But not me. I've done being lied to about everything.
*I've been saying it for years, but now researchers are finally admitting it: Covid brain fog does not go away for a select number of unfortunate people, although I disagree with the ten year aging thing. This is something different from aging, because I am certain that a 46-48 year old prior to 2019 would not have a brain like this. This is something else. I went from super intelligent to barely cognitive on some days. I went from reading 2-3 novels a week to not reading at all. That is definitely not aging ten years. Gage's brain is not that of a 26 year old. Yes, it is a decline, but most definitely not parallel to aging ten years.
*Northeastern Salish Sea temps are boiling kelp alive.
*On Wednesday Congress will meet with three ex-military personnel to hear their UFO experiences.
*Vaccines and alien invasions- this is what I keep coming back to r/conspiracy for. I do not necessarily believe this, but it sure beats all the political posts.
*Testing finds toxic chemical levels are much higher near the train derailment site in Palestine, Ohio than neighboring areas.
*Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works.
*Deceased musician, George Michael, could return performing as a hologram. Well, I guess it would nice, if you could touch his body. But you can't touch his body, cause he's a hologram.
*Mystery company buys $800 million worth of land near Travis Airport Base.
*Something in space has been lighting up every 20 minutes since 1998, and no one knows what it is.
*Move over, Cocaine Bear. You have been replaced by Cocaine Shark. (Sorry, Jaws.) They might kill you, but they sure won't be hungry enough to eat you. Random thought.....there is a part of Pulp Fiction where Uma Thurman's character does a huge line of cocaine and then proceeds to eat a cheeseburger. Not very realistic.
*All 500 Whole Foods will soon let you pay with palm of your hand. We are the machines.
*Taiwanese divers spot rare giant oarfish.
*Florida schools are teaching that slavery was beneficial because it taught black people skills. Come on now, they weren't imbeciles. They were stolen and sold. The only thing they were taught was to forget who they were.
*Malaysia halts three day music festival after band members of the 1975 share a same-sex kiss.
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