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weird things are happening v.141

*I don't know if this is real or not, but it is suspicious that youtube allows all sorts of nonsense, but not a chicken monkey. So you have to ask yourself why they would remove this if it was fake when they allow all sorts of unreal agendas to be pushed on us. Always ask yourself what they won't let you talk about. I think you can still see a clip of the chicken monkey in motion on Tiktok. I saw a video of a frog with wings last week and now I can't find that either. I know they are conducting all kinds of hybrid experiments, so I don't believe things like this are fake. Maybe this particular example is, but this stuff has always been happening behind closed doors.

*Mysterious pyramid discovered in Antartica. According to Enoch this is where some of the fallen angels are trapped. This is kind of what I've always believed to be the case, because there's always a reason for the things we're not allowed to question or talk about (like the previously mentioned Chicken Monkey) and there is so much mystery behind Antarctica. Maybe it's actually the wall encircling our dome.

*Illegal medical lab found near Fresno, California, containing bio-engineered mice, as well as materials with covid and hepatitis on site.

*Beijing suffers from the worst flooding in a decade.

*Yuval Harari, minion of Klaus Schwab, calls for all conspiracy theorists to be banned from the internet. It would be ok if I was. I know I'm going to be guided into the truth with or without the internet. I'm only here in hopes that something I post can help someone else with what is to come. What an honor if I were actually banned from the internet forever.

*Phoenix has made it thirty days with temperatures over 110 degrees.

*I saw this headline for an ancient disease spreading in Florida that causes nosebleeds and makes your eyebrows fall off. I didn't realize they were talking about leprosy.

*Bear in Chinese zoo stands up and waves. Does a bear look like this from behind? Is this real? Is anything real? He legitimately looks like one of Disney's country bears on the left side. But I did compare some other sun bears and it seems like they can move in a human-like quality. I can't believe I'm at the point where I question if a bear is real or not.

*Now that we've all either willingly been vaccinated, or unwillingly been shedded upon, and are full of prions and weird self-assembling nano-particles, let the advancement of 'microwave syndrome' begin. Man, I watched a documentary years ago about this lady who thought she was affected by EMFs and it seemed absolutely nuts to me at the time. I did toy with the idea that some of us are more sensitive to wavelengths and frequencies, but now that I know what I know, we are all sensitive to them to a degree. And now that they are being ramped up to unprecedented amounts no one will be immune. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, but just because you aren't showing immediate problems on the surface does not mean that you aren't being affected by radiation. 

*Joe Biden declares, "I am the AI." I get that this was said in jest, but he appears more coherent than normal when he says this, and I just kind of sat staring at him, wondering if I have been right all along and one of the Bidens is indeed artificial. He certainly can look waxy and rubbery and very nonhuman. But because people have been conditioned through years of staring at people through filters, they cannot even recognize what is a real human and what is not. Clearly, this whole thing has been decades in the making. I finally watched part of the David Grusch UFO hearing, and he definitely gives off nonhuman vibes as well. Oh look, I've become the lady shouting on the plan that someone is nonhuman. But honestly, think of the irony of a nonhumanoid being the whistleblower. This is not out of the realm of possibility for the mind games they like to play. 

Look, the amount of stuff they have been uncovering lately, more than ever I am understanding I am open to believing anything and everything is possible, and while I know this stuff is going on, the only shock I ever feel is when I discover another level of deception in what we've all been taught. Once I was open to believing modern history is a lie, the floodgates have been open and now I feel like I can see the artificial better than most people. It's almost like most everything has this 'uncanny valley' mask and hardly anyone else can see it. The plus side of the internet is that I know I'm not the only person who feels this way. I may not have anyone in real life who is as deep into digging in the trenches of the lies, but I know they exist. And it is very edifying to me to see some of these youtubers I admire coming to the exact same conclusions as I do right when I do. I feel this is the Lord telling us that even though we all feel like lunatics, "Look! You are not alone in this. Your brothers are sisters that cannot stop this inherent desire for the truth are all going through this right now." Like when he told Elijah he had hidden 100 more prophets in caves and that he wasn't alone. It is kind of isolating when you have just decided to reject basically everything the world can offer you. 

Whew, that went off on a tangent. I'm actually not on any medication right now. I guess that can help explain my ability to become easily distracted. 
