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a cautionary warning

Alright, this is one of my even crazier ones, but hang in there, because this might be a bigger deal than you realize.

On October 4, 2023 a nationwide Emergency Alert text is going to be sent 1:20 pm central time. I would suggest you have your phones turned off or in airplane mode. Turn off your TVs, your tablets and your radios, because all these devices are planned to blast out an electronic warning of an alert. 

I know this is going to sound absolutely insane, but do any of you remember the movie Idiocracy? Where a military guy was supposed to sleep in a chamber for a year, but it accidentally turned into 500 years. He wakes up to find that humanity are absolute idiots, unable to think or do anything for themselves because they have relied on technology for generations and have now de-evolved to have the minds of well, morons. The main guy gets arrested and his jumpsuit number is 10-4-23. We know by now that movies are constantly dropping little easter eggs if anyone is paying attention. And a movie about the downfall of humanities intelligence that features a particular date, well, just go ahead and call me a schizophrenic, because it might be more than coincidence. 

Maybe this was just a random date chosen to hold this test, or maybe this is electronic warfare. It definitely couldn't hurt to turn off your phones for five or ten minutes, just in case. I don't know if this is possible. but if it is, I definitely wouldn't put it past any high ranking person to send some sort of warfare through a nationwide text. I honestly don't understand the mechanics of how that would work, but I'm just saying if they have the ability to do something like that they will. That's a no brainer.

I decided to look up and see if any important things had happened in the past on October 4. The following happened in 1582.

The next day, the Gregorian calendar took effect in Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain by the order of Pope Gregory XIII. The calendar was put in place to realign events like equinoxes and solstices with the calendar, ensuring that Easter is always celebrated around the Northern Hemisphere's spring equinox. Because of the new calendar, several days were skipped, and October 4 was followed by October 15. Today, the Gregorian calendar is the most used calendar around the world. 

This is a big deal, so this date actually might hold significance. Scripture does mention the changing of days.

A really uncanny valley thing happened at the first NFL game of the season. Robots, supposedly promoting a movie, were wandering around the field and stands, interacting with people. The NFL AI starts around the 55 second mark, but watching from the beginning will really give you some things to ask yourself. Supposedly these were to hype up a movie, but I'm not so sure. And I am still certain with all my heart, that these years of filters and face tune was to get us used to seeing faces without pores and wrinkles (think Joe Biden!) so that we are not so creeped out by these robotic faces. Same goes with these actors that have sold their likenesses. We have been trained to look at the artificial and see it as natural. Nothing wrong here, move along.

Stephen's video below is worth watching, because he has a theory that these AI were sent for surveillance and learning. I believe this is just another part of the reveal. We are used to seeing the humanoid AI looking less human and more plastic, but the movements of these ones are unlike what has been showcased to us before. I think this is so much more than an opportunity to advertise an upcoming movie. I think it is more like, "Here they are. Get used to it." 

Here's my lunatic take: Aliens come, whatever they are. And the only ways humans have any chance against them is to become a cyborg. It is really easy to imagine when you think about all the mind control that is going on, and just how easy it was to convince a generation about gender fluidity/gender binary. This is just the next step in transhumanism. This next step would have been impossible 20 or 30 years ago, but man have they been patient, slowly holding our hand through baby steps. And now, well, here we are. And with all the covid/vaccine neurological disorders, it is also easy for me to imagine someone taking an implant just in the hopes of returning back to the life they used to have. The Lord knows I've tried almost everything the last three years. 

Sorry fam. It DOES NOT work that way.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with EARTH)EX, but they have begun holding blackout simulations. Nigeria had a massive blackout yesterday. I wonder who will be next. 
