Ukrainian President Zelensky has recently asked witch (also known as modern day performance artist) Marina Abramovic to become an ambassador of Ukraine to help rebuild schools. Because clearly this is the white light influence children of this generation need.
Here is Marina, with Jacob Rothschild, posing in front of the painting, "Satan Summoning His Legions." This is where America is pouring its billions, you guys. Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance. You slap a yellow and blue flag on your profile and you're celebrating sorcery without even knowing it. Most of the time you have no idea what you are celebrating and being an advocate for. I mean, come on, the history of Zelensky himself is a joke. This is all a joke. This picture was taken November 18, 2019, and we know what happened very, very shortly after this picture was taken. Here are some examples of Marina's extremely moving art. This would make great tracing sheets for children just learning to write letters!
What is for snack time today? Well children, today you will learn to eat the pain.
I don't know if this is a real body or not, but either way, intent was there, and symbols work in rituals. I mean, you can say it must be an effigy or mock ritual, but to be honest, there isn't much difference.And here is Mrs. Marina ready for today's anatomy lesson.
This must be show and tell for environmental science class.
Who wouldn't want this sweet, granny helping out the kids? She's 76. So either that's some Joe Biden plastic surgery, or she's bathing in baby blood. I'm going for "What is adrenocrome?" for $500.I know I am not alone in feeling the darkness at such a palpable level. Sure, there has always been evil, but there's also been good, and I'm under the impression that up until the last few years the balance was kind of harmonized. Now with the internet and world wide connection, I feel like this web of evil slowly encompassed the whole world and the good versus evil ratio has reached its tipping point. The evil has slowly spread like a fog, only now it has covered the entire planet.
Those of you walking in the light better not be hiding it under a bushel, because this is the time of darkness when the world needs to see our little beacons as lights of hope in this evil world. You are either on the side of lightness or in the darkness, there is no in-between. We recognize each other when we see each other in public. It happens to me regularly. I have had strangers approach me and tell me that they know I am a believer in the Messiah. I truly believe at this point in time, our hearts can recognize each other. If for some reason you cannot feel this great divide, then you need to immediately re-access your life and call out to the Creator while you still can.
Come out of Babylon. You don't belong here. If you truly love the Messiah, you should prayerfully watch this video below. It has never been more imperative that you know the difference between relationship and religion.
Faith vs Religion
byu/Healthy-Brilliant829 inBibleconspiracy
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