I believe the GATE program is also looking for young people who are easily hypnotized and brainwashed, and that this is where the CIA cherry picks school shooters and other people for acts of terrorism and maybe even children celebrities. Unknown to the student, basically all American schools test for the GATE program in the 3rd-4th grade. I was tested in the 4th grade.
Here's what they were looking for: highly intelligent, antisocial children who are extremely sensitive and intuitive. They are looking for children who would be easy to control through trauma. Children who don't feel like they fit in anywhere. Children who aren't receiving proper attention and could easily latch onto any adult that paid attention to them. (Kind of like the same type of child they are currently shoving the transgender movement onto.)
I've thought about the gifted program many times over the years and never really understood the point. We were whisked away by bus to the tech school, into a room that had windows covered with brown paper. I remember playing a lot of Oregon Trail as an elementary student, and then we I reached high school I thought the whole thing was stupid and stopped going after my 11th grade year. Yes, I enjoyed leaving school one day a week, but I kept asking myself, "Why am I doing this? What is even the point at all?"
Although I am intelligent, empathetic, and antisocial, I guess I wasn't a prime candidate because I was also highly suspicious of everyone and everything. Probably not prime material for mind control.
This has been on my mind the last few years, but now I can firmly say that I believe the doctrine of the trinity is absolutely false. Yes, there is the Father. Yes, there is the Son. Yes there is the Ruach Hakodesh. But no where ever does it say the Spirit is equal to the Lord, because it is just the Lord's spirit, his breath. It is not an extra entity, it IS part of God. I believe this is all Catholic and Orthodox tradition, as well as ancient traditions of Father, Mother, Child worship. The spirit is known in gnostic religions as Sophia, the divine feminine. There is nothing in the old or new testaments that supports a trinity godhead, or worshiping a divine feminine. In fact, there are a multitude of verses against worshiping the Queen of Heaven. Feel free to prove me wrong. But search the scriptures yourselves and come back.
John 4:24 says, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth." So we worship in the Spirit. If we are born again believers, the Spirit of God resides in us. Why would we pray to ourselves? We pray to God in the name of Christ. That's the example we are given in the scriptures. Why do we always feel like we need to add more to a basic example that is given to us? Who do we think we are? Scriptures say Christ is at the right hand of God. If the Spirit were an individual person and not the literal spirit of Yahuah, wouldn't it be sitting on the other side of the Lord? Because my spirit is inside me, not hanging out beside me.
Another verse says "Do not quench the Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Yes, do not grieve the Spirit of God. In my opinion this doesn't mean do not quench the personality of the spirit, but instead, whatever you do, do not put out that supernatural fire that the Lord has put in your heart.
Just like the rapture, I truly believe the trinity is a man-made doctrine as well. I know the Spirit lives in me, but it is the spirit of Yahuah, and not a separate entity of its own. Maybe just something to think and pray about.
If you made it this far, I have a confession to make. Last Wednesday night I ran over a puppy. There were two tiny puppies, less than a couple months old, hiding in a ditch. One ran by and I saw it and swerved, but I didn't realize there was a second puppy that immediately followed right into my front tire.
No one was home, so I didn't know what to do. I had seen those puppies running down the road before and thought, "Someone is going to run over them. Why doesn't anyone have these tiny dogs corralled?" I asked my dad what I should do, because he is one of the wisest people I know and is sometimes my sound board and voice of reason. I asked if he knew who lived in that house and he didn't. I asked if I should stop by and let them know it was me, and he said he wouldn't, because he had also seem those puppies running wild with no owner in sight, and he swore there used to be four of them and now there were only two one.
I had never ran over an animal before, especially not a pet, and it was really bothering me. All I could think about was some small child being upset. I drove by a couple days later and the dead puppy was still on the road, which made me a little angry, because if it truly was a pet you cared about, you would have removed it from the road before it was continuously smashed by vehicles. That part I could really not understand. But it made me feel less guilty, even though I didn't believe it was completely my fault. I didn't know there were two. I don't have lizard vision that could look in two different directions. And hello pet owner: everyone knows that if your house is 20 feet from the road you CANNOT have two month old puppies with free access on a road that I have personally seen people go 80 mph on.
I still do feel bad. But I also feel angry that no one ever got its body off the road. What pet owner would just leave it there? I don't understand.
I'm fairly certain there was just a little earthquake here. My dishwasher is open because the dishes are clean, and they suddenly began to rattle out of nowhere, and then 30 seconds later they did it again. And then again.
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