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a life of satisfying discomfort

I've been hanging around the Blue Letter Bible lately and doing word studies. Oh words, another thing that the Lord has known I've always loved: anything related to words: reading, word games, writing, and here I am trying to understand root words. I mean, he would have given me that passion, right? 

There was this passage I read weeks ago in the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach, that stated (paraphrasing here) that if a reader were reading in their native language and not ancient Hebrew, so much would be changed in meaning that it would have been like playing the game telephone. 

Here, I found it.

"For the same things uttered in Hebrew and translated into another tongue have not the same force in them, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference when spoken in their own language."

I agree with this and it reminds me of when I worked at Cracker Barrel and the literal interpretation for "chocolate cobbler" on the Spanish menu was "chocolate shoemaker." There's always going to be a bit lost in translation. Thank goodness for the gift of the Spirit who helps us understand. 

I stumbled upon this by accident yesterday. I was actually looking at connections between the Time Keepers in the Loki series and the biblical Watchers. Yes, I know how nuts that sounds, but it was a random shower thought and well, it had so much more weight behind it than I thought it would. But that's another story for another day. 

I read back in July that 'lucifer' is actually never used as a name in the bible. I had actually never heard this before, but this was no big shocker to me, as Lucifer obviously means 'light' and 'illuminated,' and if you know anything about angelic naming, most of the ones (fallen or not) have the letters 'el' in their name. El = of God Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Azazel. You get it. 

So now that I've rambled all that, like I said, yesterday I was on Blue Letter Bible looking up root words about the watchers/travelers that have obscure references and for some reason that I can't remember, I was brought back to the beginning, of light being separated from darkness. Darkness-layil

The name of the being given credit to as Lucifer is actually Heylel. That name is literally translated to shiny and bright one in Hebrew. Leyl "darkness" sure is similar looking word to "heylel" for shiny. And reallllly similar to our word "Hell." But I'm probably just stretching here, right? I also found it interested that the world 'leyl' contains no 'el.' Darkness has no "of God" in it. 

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE. "Ley" lets look up the english word for leyman/layman. The first definition is "an nonordained member of the church." Ugh. Satan's unordained men preaching a false gospel. Got it. All these words mean something, and I have learned that we use words differently than older cultures. Obviously words change meaning over time, but English words seem to have originated with certain power and intention behind them that maybe wasn't otherwise there.

Living in upside clown world, this whole world etymology thing is so cool to me because they literally name the darkness the light. Scripture flat out tells you this will happen, and it happens right in front of our faces, but because we have been so blinded from the truth and lied to about every single thing, most of us never notice it.

And those that do are often lonely, misunderstood radicals, and an even smaller sector of those people are ones that can only seem to get their words out via typing. Class A: Misunderstood radical, subset B.3c- verbal blockage. I hope someone, anyone out there finds all this as freaking fascinating as I do. It's like, I feel like so much knowledge is being released via many different avenues right now, and I have had some providential things happen to me that help me connect some dots. But like, no one cares. That is so hard for me to understand. 

The walk with the Creator is one of satisfying discomfort. I've never felt more content. I've also never felt so isolated. With these powers combined I am Captain Planet! I would not change a thing. 

Everything is a friggen lie, and no one cares. This is how you know its closing in on the end. Where are the humans? Where is the humanity? People would chose to live a lie than see the truth. 

"Woe to him that call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and shrewd in their own sight." Isaiah 5:2-21

"And this is the judgement of the world: the light has come into the world but people preferred the darkness over the light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19

Kind of like being a sheep has become a bad thing, and goats, which in scriptural are negative are now the "greatest of all time." Or, even better, how science gets credit for things that are totally spiritual. Some of the biggest offenders are the Evangelical Christians. Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. Dear Mr. Ham, you want me to just trust you that animals floated on redwoods between continents after the flood? How about we just admit that there's so much we don't know. You know, that faith thing. But I do think "trusting the science" is totally an antichrist statement. 

Guys, I am a moron who cannot hold a single thought for five minutes without forgetting it. I am not putting this information together myself, and my ability to make paragraphs and continue in my same rambling writing style is validation to me that I am not having some sort of psychotic breakdown, and that this is my brain actually doing some braining with the help of the Advocate. 

I am going to go ahead and post this. I might come back in the future and be like, "wow Deanna, that was a crazy morning for your brain." But for now, this really makes sense to me. 
