We had a good weekend. After six months of a baby dose of stimulants, I have finally hit the line in the back order of medication. I dropped off my prescription at Walgreens on Friday and got "Uh, we might get this in on Monday." So I called/visited the other pharmacies in my network, feeling like a crackhead, although that was all in my mind because I doubt a crackhead would be wanting an extended release formula of anything. I just hate cold calling, so that probably had to do with it. I just left my script at Walgreens and whenever they get to me, they get to me. It is not like I take it every day anyway.
Friday night we ordered pizza, watched Idiocrasy and I tried to convince Peppy the Blemmyes (that headless guy) existed at one point in time. And don't get me started on the cynocephalus, aka the dog headed people either.
Do I really believe these things existed at one point in time? Maybe. There's more than one, two, three, etc, writings of eye-witness accounts of these different types of people. And knowing what I know about cloning, chimera and hybrids, I will tell you that I wouldn't put anything past anyone. Herodotus, Pliny the Elder and Alexander the Great all claimed to have encountered these things. Were they real? Were they a genetic experiment gone wrong?
I don't know. I know a lot of stuff. I don't know anything.
Peppy let me draw one on his chest that I will not share on here, but it was this one (there are lots of awesome pictures at that link as well):
Then when I woke up this morning there was a note next to where I leave my glasses each night. It feels like a Blemmye mating call. Peppy is no artist (he always says this, not me,) so I can appreciate his attempt to the correct placement of the Blemmye's irises.
On Saturday I repotted all my plants that needed new pots and I watched Downsizing, which I thought was going to be a comedy, but the last thirty minutes pulled an M. Night Shamalamadingdong and I thought, "what a twist!"
I have plants in four windowsills of the kitchen, as well as the window in my bathroom. I also have a giant hanging plant, three large floor plants, as well as a set up of various greenery and grow lights in one corner of my kitchen. I never imagined myself as someone with a lot of house plants, just because this was honestly never something I even gave a single thought to. We had literally two trees in our yard growing up. They have even cut those two trees down since I've moved out. My parents weren't people with green thumbs. But I love watching my plants grow and noticing change. Unfortunately with my brain I have to remind myself often to take care of the plants, especially the ones in the bathroom because out of sight, out of mind, you know? I'm definitely in the kitchen more than I am hanging out in the bathroom and I still sometimes have to remind myself when my brain goes wonky.
For a few years our kids have been on a journey to their own musical discovery, which has surprisingly, yet absolutely not surprisingly, led Owsley down a path of rock and metal. He knows a lot of old KoRn and Linkin Park (and unfortunately Limp Bizkit,) and last night we had an impromptu sing-off in the kitchen. Peppy said I should have done some stretching beforehand, but hello, where is the spontaneity in that? Nothing hurts more than usual this morning, so all is good.
This week is going to be a crazy one with the food bank and then driving to Florida, and sometime in between we have to drive an hour to a Hyundai place and drop of Peppy's car for some work. At least I don't have to do a real grocery trip this week because who would want to brave a grocery store the week of Thanksgiving? The way my brain can just sometimes shut down in a store when I don't have a list, I imagine just trying to find a parking spot in a crowded lot with people walking everywhere would be enough to make my brain konk.
My brain is probably going to be going in survival mode and operating on a much lower level of consciousness this week. Generally happens around the holidays every year, even before covid. It is like something deep down has always told me "this is all wrong."
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