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weird things are happening v.163

Last night I had a dream I was at a theme park (hahahah) with my parents and Owsley. I was able to ride a spinning coaster that I would never be able to experience in real life without barfing. Yee-haw. To get to this park you had to ride a short ferry, and I was trying to tell everyone not to trust white Jesus. Fortunately I only seemed to be getting on one person's nerves. The weather was terrible, like end-of-the-world bad, but here we all were, ignoring it and riding our little ferry to the theme park. 

At one point my dad asked, "Hey, where'd all that wind come from?" And I wasn't sure if it was from the storm, or the massive rollercoaster that was directly over his head.

I am really not looking forward to traveling for the annual tradition of celebrating the genocide of native peoples. Every year the drive to Florida seems to get a little worse. We didn't go last year, but two years ago the typical six hour drive took over ten hours. We are coming home a day early this year in hopes of skipping out on the worst of it. Plus, if I'm being honest with you, I do not like being out on the holidays. I feel like a hypocrite, I dissociate on my own command, and I tirelessly drain like a cheap battery in an expensive toy. 

Our family knows where I stand on all of this. This is probably why one of Peppy's family members said Taylor Swift's "Anti-hero" reminded her of me. I was unfamiliar with the song and read the lyrics, and it didn't seem like she was complimenting me. It's ok. I have a lifetime of people misunderstanding me. 

It comes with the territory. Every eye roll makes my rejection sensitivity disorder just a little stronger, so there is that. We'll just use this here brain belonging to Mrs. Abby Normal.

Oh, yeah, this is a link post and not a stream of consciousness. Humpday two-in-one special! It is Wednesday, right? I've been at the food bank all week and so my days have been confusing. I haven't had my regular routine to ground myself to reality. Or at least to this current simulation.

*Earth received a laser beam message from 16 million kilometers away.

*More free covid tests available Monday. I would say no to this. You never know what is on those tests. Nothing is ever free. 

*Here is a chemical analysis of morgellons fibers. Is morgellons somehow related to the covid vaccines (or maybe even the nasal swab tests)? Are they trying to turn us into smart nanotech? From the way some of us come across as NPCs, I'd say they already have some of us turned. 

*Y'all all need to watch this video about the artificial sun. I don't think enough people understand what is going on in our skies. I don't think enough people are even looking up. I do believe that the majority that trust the science would be interested in seeing this video. There's a lot of science and they love that. That Black Hole Sun is looking a bit like the black cube of Saturn. 

*Elon Musk, false hero for the conservatives, stirs up pizza gate.

*Super fungus is spreading in Nevada.

*'Living Nostradamus' predicts wave of natural disasters to begin by the end of the year. I think maybe you just have to be a tiny bit perceptive to predict something big might be coming soon. 

*Is is covid? Is is quality control? Does your food taste gross too? 

*Here's a four month old article adding even more suspicion to whether or not Tiffany Gomas is even a real person.

*17-fold spike in the amount of Brits who are dying at home and are left undiscovered. Note: this does not say 17x more are dying, just that no one is checking in on these people. 

*Young Americans are converting to Islam because they are inspired by the perseverance of the Palestinians. 

*Research finds the largest hole in the ozone on record. 

*Type of bat found to be the first mammal to mate without penetration.
