"Safe and effective?"
"No. Prone to causing heart attacks and stroke."
It's almost like there are tons of people who are like I was a couple years ago, who are acting without thinking. Who are fearless. Who are operating from a lower level of consciousness and are watching their lives from the backseat. It's the vaccines, it's covid, it's radiation poisoning, it's 5g. Whatever it is, its not going anywhere and it is getting much, much worse by the day. Like I said sometime last week, it certainly feels like whatever they are doing to us was ramped up at Thanksgiving.
Yesterday I was sitting at a red light when I saw an ambulance trying to zoom by. "Owsley, do you see that?? No one is moving over for that ambulance." It was the weirdest thing, and it wasn't like traffic was so backed up that no one could move over. It was almost like no one noticed the blaring siren and flashing lights, or maybe no one cared. Or maybe they just didn't remember what to do, because I do know that feeling. Maybe if you've forgotten how to drive you shouldn't be on the road. There are certainly days when I do not get behind the wheel for that exact reason.
I have also noticed that idiocy seems to breed in groups of people, which makes me wonder if this does have to do with vaccines and 5g and when we congregate together we all start buzzing. I know how crazy this sounds, but I can feel it in my brain when I am around a group of heavily vaccinated people and technology. My forehead begins to feel like steel wool and it gets extremely hard to focus and think, which is how I feel during a covid infection. But then I get away from the group and the sensation goes away.
People want to blame this all on social media and our attention spans becoming non-existent, and while yes, this does have something to do with it, it is definitely not the root of the problem. They have made most of us so dumb that they cannot even recognize there is a problem. You can't blame what is happening on diet, sedentary lifestyle and social media. We had all these things years before this cognitive decline. I have made this observation many times and I do not believe this is all in my head. (Well, I mean technically it is, but you know what I mean.)
We are losing our ability to make quick, rational decisions. I have seen some of the calmest people I know throw tantrums like they are toddlers. I have noticed that some of the nicest people are on edge. The moment you ask a question they are on defense, almost like you were about to attack them, when you only wanted some understanding. People are standing around aimlessly, like they have forgotten their purpose and have no awareness of what is going on around them. People stand in doorways, block aisles and don't even notice you when you approach.
Yesterday a volunteer came up to me looking confused and asked me to look up a client because they couldn't find the date of the last time they had been to the food bank. I looked up the person, and there was the date. The volunteer was astounded when I pointed it out because they had been searching and couldn't find it, and it was literally RIGHT THERE. I am bringing this up because on any other day, this could have been me. It is surreal to watch those around me get dumber in the same way that I have been experiencing first-hand the last three years. And I keep asking myself, why can't everyone see this?
Look at the children. Children shouldn't be losing their train of thought like they are. Children should be bright eyed and full of wonder and awe, not rude to their parents and dead behind the eyes.
Some things help, like regular exercise, eating right, limiting screen time, and breathing exercises. But the only thing you can do is be aware this is happening, because believe it or not, it IS happening to all of us, and it is happening to you and your family too. If you think you are somehow immune to, you know, breathing air, then you need to put down the device and go outside and touch grass. Seriously, you are going to be in the worst shape of all if you believe you are untouchable.
Covid and the vaccine have a very high neurological infection rate. The proteins in both affect the endocrine system, which affects the central nervous system. I do not understand why people are still denying this. We finally have the 'science' that proves this. We are being hijacked.
Unfortunately I've had "radioactive" by Imagine Dragons in my head for weeks now. I mean, I guess there could be much worse songs to have playing repeat in my mind.
I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones. Enough to make my systems blow. Welcome to the new age, to the new age. I'm radioactive, radioactive.
Looks like things are going according to plan.
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