I had to share this text because I thought it was hilarious and very true. They actually reminded me more of a firefighter. I just needed some suspenders. I bought the pants. Since I don't generally dress in the same color from head to toe hopefully I won't pull be pulling off the EMT look. Cargo pants....taking me back to 1998. Now I just need some unbuttoned flannels with tank tops underneath. I also bought a banana type clip for my hair that I never could have used before because my hair was too thick. Now I can use a banana clip and it's like, "Invite all your friends! There's room to spare!"
I think I maybe mentioned last year during my first neurologist appointment that I was so impressed with the phlebotomist when he drew my blood. I have freezing and rolling veins, and it is always a painstaking process to have my blood drawn, even though it doesn't hurt. It just gets a bit nauseating when someone has a needle under your skin and is rotating it around in a circle like a whisk.
Unfortunately that's exactly what happened this time. After about three and a half hours two or three minutes I got clammy and started sweating all over. He grabbed some paperwork and began frantically fanning me and was getting a little worked up. He was so very kind, but I think it was a blow to him, because I feel like he is usually really good at what he does. Hey, it's not you, it's definitely me. Once I was no longer profusely sweating he just gave up and sent me away with paperwork for the medical mall, where I can lay down when they draw my blood. I was very grateful for that, because I was going to just truck it out if he wanted to try again just to have it all over and done with. Scripture says the life is in the blood, and I guess my life was feeling mighty stubborn today.
Y'all know I'm never going to the medical mall. My next appointment is in August and maybe someone will give me a blood thinner beforehand. My blood pressure was phenomenal though. That will happen when nothing really fazes you.
I am so excited. Sometime last year I started watching a video on The Book of Miracles, which is a book of renaissance art that only resurfaced a few years ago. Peppy surprised me and ordered a copy for me and it came in Tuesday. It showcases these painted 'plates' of eye witness accounts that happened around 535 ad, which I believe might be when the biblical "year of the Lord" began. (I tell you, one day is as a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8) Something huge happened worldwide around the year 535 ad and the scientific proof is there, if that's your thing.
I have also come to the conclusion that between 300- 500 years has been shaved off our history, so we are really around the year 1500-1800. Don't ask me to explain it all to you. I could if you could teleport into my brain. A few years ago my friend mentioned that her preacher believed Christ might have already returned and I thought that was absolutely ridiculous, and well, here we are. Oh how the turns table.
But really, if you read the gospels where Christ is talking to his apostles, he tells THEM he's coming soon. He tells THEM that some will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God. We like to think he was talking to us. He was talking to them. He said he was coming soon. Not in hundreds or thousands of years. All I can do is continue to pray for truth and wisdom in all things. I have started praying every day to pour myself out as a living sacrifice and to judge my heart and mind so that I know where I don't measure up. I love everybody, but it's up to me to work out my own salvation. Just like it's up to you too.
Everything is a terrible lie. Everything is upside down. I know I post about this a lot, but it is because I think about it a lot, and despite sounding absolutely narcissistic, I do believe this is my purpose as a human on earth. I don't think everyone gets to have a personal interaction with the creator of the universe, but for some reason I did. And if the Lord reaches out to a person that person should listen. I think about the verse "many are called, but few are chosen." I believe he is calling out to many, and I just wonder if people think it is their imagination,because that is what most of us are conditioned to believe from a young age. At least in the wild, wild west.
We are all so conditioned to not wake up from this materialistic, artificial world. To not even want to wake up from this dumpster fire. (For whoever wishes to save their life in this world will lose it, and whoever will give up his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 16:25) There's nothing left in this fake world. We have the people we love, and that is all we can take into eternity anyway.
Time is running out, at least for the type of life we are used to living. We are probably only a handful of events away from living in the stone age, but none of this keeps me awake at night. (For he gives sleep to his beloved. Psalm 127:2) Can't change any of this, so why even bother? We really need to destroy all of this artificial anyway. I believe that will be the only way for most people to actually wake up to how much we are enslaved.
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