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weird things are happening v.172

*Lord of the goats and chief twit, Elon Musk, says that four days ago the first human test subject has been implanted with Telepathy, his neuralink brain chip. I hope this works out better than it did with the monkeys. 

Can we just stop for a moment and acknowledge that a massive troll, who really is probably nowhere near as intelligent as he wants people to think, and was a Baphomet warrior on Halloween, who's mother is a witch and his ex-girlfriend Grimes is...something, is introducing mind control technology to the world? This man who's ideas and inventions never turn out to be what he promises.

In casual conversation I'd definitely say this sounds like an abomination that desolates the temple of the Lord. 

*Asteroid the size of 64 Canadian geese (oddly specific) will pass by earth today. Alright, lets see if Canada was a clue and based on the Book of Miracles lets see if something catastrophic happens in Canada over the next few days. 

*New virus-like entities are found in the human gut.

*Experimental drug said to cut off pain at its source promising no addiction. Isn't this the backstory to the Fall of the House of Usher?

*People are already over AI internet spam.

*Effeminate poster of Christ angers Spanish conservatives. But it shouldn't, because that is a representation of Zeus at best. And.......the Roman Catholic Church generally makes Christ looks a bit effeminate for some reason.

*Ever heard of Project 100,000? During the Vietnam war, there was an active project to recruit the mentally disabled and non English speakers to basically be used as cannon fodder. That being said, US navy says, "no diploma?" "No problem." 

*Global sperm count is down 52% in the last 50 years, with a majority of the decline in Western countries. 

*Yikes, did y'all remember to pray about this first? The patriot group attempting to take back America's borders is referring to themselves as "God's Army." 

*English river turns blood red.
