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spiritual ramblings

You can look at the ten commandments and see how some of those could be beneficial to anyone. Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not bear false witness. Those are just some things that a person who is at least trying to be decent will attempt to steer away from.

But then we have all the animal sacrifices in the old testament. So very many. And sometimes that can be confusing because it can be difficult to understand why. 

As above so below. So below as above.

Everything going on down here correlates to something going on in the spiritual plain. Before Christ sacrificed himself for our sins, it took the blood of an innocent animal to atone for peoples' sins. The animal sacrifice had to be done on earth so that the 'as above' side could stay cleansed and leave a way of communication between God and the ancient Israelites. 

I believe maybe all the separate laws for individual groups of people were probably for spiritual protection. I don't necessarily understand why it would be beneficial to not mix materials in clothing, but I do trust that there was some spiritual necessity behind it. A parallel for not mixing yourself with the world? I doubt this is just an "I told you not to" thing. I've learned that God doesn't ever ask us to do anything without there being a major reason behind it, and more often than not it is to keep us from getting hurt in some way. 

The more I learn, the more I understand that we were born into a time where we've made the bible feel so small. I believe we have what we need for salvation, but there is so much more. Anyone earnestly seeking the Lord and the truth will find these things, and none of them will contradict the scripture. They will only give you more clarity. It is actually really sad that it has been boiled down to Jesus and Satan. Yes, Christ is the point of it all, but we have turned good and evil into these two cartoony characters. 

Due to the cares of this world, most of us don't get past arguing with others over petty theology. Tale as old as time. 

I didn't sleep last night. Like really, no sleep. I occasionally have a night where the light just stays on in my head, but only one line of a song will be playing over and over, while I attempt to at least rest my body. I think maybe I slept an hour total. I would almost be asleep and something would itch and so I would have to scratch and start all over. 

Anyway, all that to say that if this post was spacier sounding than normal, that is why. The morning is my main time to just sit and think, and some mornings I am often blown away at how tiny this life is compared to everything else, and yet we feel like this life is all there every is and will be. Or at least that is how we often act. If everyone understood just how tiny and irrelevant this life was, life would be so much easier. We would definitely sacrifice ourselves and our time more.

They have even made our one human life so small. Many people exclusively live inside of a screen. They actively choose the artificial over the little bit of natural that is left over here. 

What good is it if a man (with an average lifespan of 70 years) gains the whole (very short and very temporary) world, but loses his soul (that lasts forever.) Matthew 16:26

Parenthesis clearly mine. 

Forget about the good 'ol days. Those are long and gone and aren't ever going to be the way they were. When you embrace Christ there's no need to look back anyway. I'm putting my hope and joy into the good new days. 
