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stream of consciousness

Please do not expect this to have any kind of flow at all, because it definitely does not.

It is kind of funny (in a terribly ironic way) to think about the huge push in the trendy tumbler water bottles and then acknowledge all the recent news articles about how dirty our drinking water is. So you can get your water from a plastic bottle and have more of your insides turn into a barbie, or you can drink fluoride and chlorine, and only God knows what else. 

But get in those 8 glasses a day, folks! 

Maybe we don't really need that much. I'm not saying go the other direction so far that your pee is dark brown, but I'm saying maybe we don't really need 64 ounces of fluoride a day. 

Oh man, it really feels like whoever is in charge here is just throwing everything and seeing what sticks. They are literally attacking us from every angle. Our water. Our food. Our minds. Even the air we breathe. 

My days are going by so quickly lately. I'm am often tired, but things are very fulfilling at the moment. I don't really have much idle time, because the free time I do have is spent studying and reading, or just zoning out outside. I am really grateful for this time right now, because I know my talents and gifts are being used to serve those around me. To be honest, the only times I've ever felt like I had a purpose in life is when I am fully surrendered to the Lord and his plan for my life. Whenever I let go of that anchor it is easy for my mind to be all like, "what is even the point to any of this?" 

Last Monday night was odd because I physically felt a layer of fog lift off of me. Usually I will just go to sleep and wake up in a different mode. I've never actually experienced a lift, and it literally felt like I had been wearing a beekeeper mask or something and it was lifted from my vision. So that is nice, because whatever shift in my body happened has also made me feel a little less like trying to get free from a boa constrictors grip each morning just to feel motivated to get in the shower. 

Weird random thought: leggings were originally created for men.

Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." 

I laugh about the future, but sometimes it feels more like "am I laughing to keep from crying? Am I laughing because I cannot believe I live in this absurd world? Am I laughing because this whole thing is so artificial? Am I laughing because this whole thing has been a sham? Am I laughing because seeing through some of this makes me feel as if I am legitimately insane?" 


And speaking of killing us all, is the Old Monarch dying? 
I'll be honest with you- I have never given any thought to the royal family before the last few years, but everything about both the King's and the Princess's cancer diagnoses is a little suspicious. This is the best video that explains why I don't trust any of the stuff that is coming straight from Buckingham Palace. 

It kind of feels like everything has gotten so much sloppier in America. Obama pulling Biden off the stage by hand. Name-calling in the house meetings and the just general lack of care about everything. Why are they showing us this now? The facade is falling because America has fallen. It has already fallen 

1 Kings 10:10 says that the Queen of Sheba brought Solomon 120 talents of gold. Later on in the chapter it says that the weight of the gold that came to Solomon is one year was 666 talents. Those are today's equivalents of $212, 915,190 and $1,595,087,838. Where did all that gold go?

Another random thought...scripture says Christ will return like a 'thief in the night.' So, kind of like someone who sneaks in quietly, grabs what is valuable, and then leaves. Just maybe, something was happening on the ground, perhaps the destruction of Jerusalem, causing people not to pay attention to the skies. Maybe they were too focused on the physical and less on the spiritual. This is when (just like lightning flashes from the east to the west) Christ returned and took his saints who would reign in the millennium kingdom (which may have been waaaaay less people 'going to heaven' with this first group than we would like to believe. Seriously fam, sometimes we are fooling ourselves in our own richteousness.) 

There is so much compelling evidence in writing, plus nature can testify that something started happening worldwide, almost like the world began to give up the ghost and start dying. And this my friends, is the world we were born into, the ancestors of those who didn't make the first cut, with Satan reigning in this totally artificial and deceptive kingdom....that is quickly having the veil removed to show just how foul and rotten it is. 

This is the missing key, and when you put it into the equation and turn it, everything falls into place. 

And he deceived the whole world. And we worshiped an idol, who we were taught was Christ. This is it, the apocalypse, wha-ah-oooohhhh.

It can be a little shocking to admit maybe all this has already been fulfilled, especially if getting raptured away or reigning in the millennial kingdom is something you have hoped for. The scripture does say "the first will be last, and the last will be first," so there might be something important about being this last generation. I'm sure it is harder to come out of Babylon when you're born into it. 

I guess what it all boils down to is this: He doesn't lie. Ever. And he told his followers he was coming back soon, and that some would still be alive when he returned. So there's always that. We have just been taught and conditioned to read the scriptures a certain way, but with the Holy Spirit guiding and teaching us, we can see it all with new eyes. It is almost like everything else falls away and you are able to laser focus and hone in on the truth. 

I hope you have a nice day. Na we pita.
