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be brave heart lion and not the cowardly lion

I've been noticing a pattern emerging in news stories involving dangerous incidents. I have read multiple times how when the person with the emergency starts calling for help, people just stop what they are doing and stare and do absolutely nothing. 

I've seen it happen in real life, so I know it's a thing, and I think there are two main contributing factors.

1) The worldwide chemical lobotomy that a huge chunk of us is unfortunately experiencing, and

2) We have been so conditioned to watch these shock videos through a screen that we are calloused to a real emergency, and we think it is just another video to sit and watch. 

Thinking about the implications of these two things combined is downright shocking and heartbreaking. 

It is like no one cares, or maybe they are just incapable of caring. Or maybe the connections in peoples' brains are just so screwed up by now that there is zero reaction time for many of us. Reading these stories and noticing the pattern is making me pray not to be a frozen person. I know in the past I would freeze in fight or flight situations, but this seems different. This is almost like sadistic voyeurism instead. It reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where the girl kept waking up to the same dream/punishment of people following her around, recording her every move. 

Yesterday one of our financial assistance clients told me, "I started crying when you called me yesterday to verify my appointment. I have called every single agency around and you all have been the only ones to return my call." 

I keep seeing more extreme news stories, like a woman saying "F*ck your baby," and shooting a seven-month old in the leg because the mother of the baby owed her money. 

The Care Bear Movie from like 1980...something, where the boy becomes the magician's apprentice and the power goes to his head. Does anyone remember that movie? A staple of my early childhood. Current reality reminds me of how dirty and evil everything became after the ghost of the uncaring was released, and then it continued to spread and contaminate everything and everyone it came in contact with.


He's not himself

Ok. I need to pause this post and tell you something that just happened in real time, so that maybe you can understand what it is like to be me. I am looking for the exclamation point on my laptop keyboard but I don't remember where it is, even if I am typing correctly. I go to find it and my mind blanks. I looked all over and couldn't find it, because my brain thought it was with the period and question mark and not at the top left corner. It is almost like it never existed on this keyboard to begin with, and my mind begins to feel confused and disoriented. I can pull up the lyrics to a kid's movie from the 1980s, but my brain is conking out. 

Back to the regular post because after a minute of not looking, my brain reset and found what I was looking for.

He's not himself! He's turning mean. He's been on a path of terrible wrath no kid's ever seen. Friends are there to help you out, because they care and there's no doubt. And if you're scared they'll lend a hand, til you're prepared to make a stand. This power is wrong but incredibly strong...if we could only make him understand. Look out! Look out! 

(I can also sing 'Home is in Your Heart' for any other Care Bear fans out there, and I will do my best to do all the character voices.)

Please don't be a statue person only observing reality when someone is clearly in need of help. Obviously not everyone is fortunate enough to even see through this fog, so if you can, it's up to us to be making the difference. If you see someone clearly in need, don't be a coward. 

Random soap box tangent....

You know, I always thought the Cowardly Lion was pretty pathetic. On top of being afraid, he was also such a whiny stage 4 clinger. Yikes. (Actually, I have always hated the entire Wizard of Oz Movie, and I love musicals. Probably because my younger brother insisted that he watch it every single afternoon around 3 when he woke up from his nap and we were coming home from school.) You're scared, that's fine. Keep it to yourself and just pretend like you aren't. That's what most of us have always done. If we never did anything because we were scared, many of us would never do anything at all, and obviously that is what they want. Be scared, or be a statue, but whatever you do, don't take action.

Peppy and I once played Dark Side of the Moon to a muted Wizard of Oz, and it works, but it didn't make the movie any better. 

OK, now I'm off to get ready and probably sing Home is in your Heart in my head. I'm pretty well known in the Forest of Feelings. 

"Everyone in the Forest of Feelings knows of Playful Heart Monkey and Brave Heart Lion."

"Well we're from Earth."

"Earth? There's no such place." ::terrible monkey noise::
