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stream of consciousness

I've never watched the Olympics in my life. I'm sure there have been times where it has been in the background of wherever I am, but I have never actively given it any attention. I guess my brain doesn't comprehend watching sports in the same way that I cannot understand watching reality shows or watching video game streamers. Play the sport, play the game, sure. But I don't understand the point in any kind of joy out of watching something like that. 

Having said all that, yesterday after I got home from the food bank it was raining and Peppy had turned on the opening ceremony, so I thought, "Great! Let's spot some occult symbolism in real time," since I couldn't go outside. 

Like I said, I have nothing to compare this particular ceremony to, but it felt sloppy and unprofessional, and the parading boats made me feel like I was at Hollywood Studios watching Fantasmic. 

I left the room and started humming to myself when those people who performed "Imagine" went floating by on what looked like an island of tar (black goo) with a piano dumpster fire. Everybody knows that song. I can only imagine how much power would be behind a worldwide thought of "Imagine there's no heaven....Imagine there's no country." There's power in spoken words. Something powerful took place during that moment when people all around the world sang those words. I don't care how kooky that makes me sound. I refused to be a participant. I knew immediately when I heard the beginning of that song what was going on and I had to walk away. 
Both Peppy and I got weird feelings about the metal beheading of Marie Antoinette. Not that I didn't think the idea and performance were great, but the amount of historic and beautiful things seems to be taken from us and replaced with these temporary and artificial structures, and we are taught skewed history about the ones that remain. The beautiful architecture that remains becomes a punchline. But I guess this is how you begin a reset. You snip all the ties to the previous history. You knock down buildings. You change the past. You teach the next generation that everything is a joke so that they don't care as the world burns around them. It was kind of like the Addams Family movie when Wednesday hijacks the summer camp play about the pilgrims. This was like Sweeney Todd artery blasts. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to convey here, other than there seems to be a deliberate goal to take away any respect and awe for anything architecturally beautiful. 

Not many inanimate things give me a creepy vibe, other than large clusters of holes, and I can't explain that one. These famous painting heads coming out of the water gave me the big ick for some reason.

The Olympic flag was also raised upside down. If that was a mistake, it is just more evidence at how the world operates at half quality now. No one seems to care about giving top effort. Just enough to pass and move on to the next thing. 

I was not sitting there the entire time, because honestly, it was so long and some of it was really getting on my nerves because of how stupid it was. Like, I was wondering if people who normally watch the ceremony were baffled as to why it all looked like a performance from a free circus. I understand it was raining, but I'm not even talking about that. It felt more like a dress rehearsal and lacked the feeling of professionalism. Just the same weird feeling of life just being a clown show now. I had never been so aware of all the lip-syncing in my life. The three-some library scene was weird. Yeah, it didn't show anything, but how odd to put that in something that I thought was family friendly. Then again, there wasn't much that was family friendly about parts of the drag runway. There was even a young girl laid out on the table for the feast of Dionysus (the guy who looked like Papa Smurf.) I guess I'm just not a member of the cultured elite, because I don't appreciate references to pedophilia. 

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that DaVinci's "Last Supper" is not a biblically accurate depiction anyway. So I'm not up in arms about any desecration of something that doesn't promote an accurate Christ anyway. That painting is basically an idol, so don't let an idol get you upset. It was pretty disrespectful to the cult of Dionysus though. So sloppy. ALSO...the person with the seven-pointed crown would be a reference to Mithras, not Christ, although both Dionysus and Mithras had cults that involved sacrifice and wine. But because most believers in Jesus are taught to disregard any other history, we all look ignorant as a lump whole.

If you are confused between Christ and this public ritual of Dionysus, maybe you need to stop and think about this for a moment. Don't even give your energy to this. They want you to get worked up and offended, and the real truth is that you don't even have to care about this at all. Why would you want to be mad and angry when you don't have to feel those emotions? This is a set up, a trap. 

Does anyone remember Nipplegate from 25 years ago when Janet Jackson had a nip slip at the Super Bowl and the world went insane? I remember and I was 14 and didn't even watch the Super Bowl. It was like the most raunchy thing to ever happen to live TV (according to the news,) but man, does that seem like another world now. 

These pictures were taken from CNN.

After four grueling hours of a masked figure running with the torch, they finally light a hot air balloon. The result looked like a nuclear explosion with a full moon in the background to me. When I went to bing to see if it would make a picture so I could compare the two, I got a strike. I guess for the words 'nuclear explosion.' But I cannot be the only one who sees it. And what about the tinfoil wearing knight? Is this radiation gear? 
Honestly, my immediate thought was, "Behold! A pale horse, and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed him."

I am not the only one to have these thoughts, but I haven't seen anyone saying they thought the hot air balloon looked like an explosion, or anything about millions of people chanting "Imagine there's no heaven" and "Imagine there's no country" at the same time. 

I think the theme of the opening ceremony is clear: The clowns have officially taken over and they are here to stay. 

I read a headline that said something like "The Musical Brain Doesn't Experience Cognitive Decline," and maybe I snorted because my brain is pretty musical and I have definitely experienced cognitive decline. But then I read the article and it was talking about the musical portion of your brain, and I did agree with that. There is a part of my brain that has always been able to create entire orchestral songs in my mind (I just don't know how to translate it onto paper,) so I've had a lifetime of original music in my head. I also easily change all songs into Gregorian chants, or just turn a rock song into bluegrass or opera. And that part of me doesn't seem to be affected by whatever is munching on my brain. 

I hum all the time. The other day Peppy told me he didn't listen to any music that afternoon because he was listening to me hum while I cleaned, and it took me a minute to realize he was being sincere. If the situation were flipped, I'm sure I would have gone to another room because the humming would annoy me. Over the last year I seem to have made up two particular hums that I cannot remember unless I am actively humming them. One is more sad sounding, although I don't think it is sad, and the other is a more happy one. Sometimes I imagine the sad one actually has words and is sang in the voice of the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera. I have found that when Sheldon freaks out during the storms and I can lay my hand on his belly and hum to him and he seems to calm down.

And then of course I can pull up songs from movies I haven't watched in over 30 years. At the nursing home I've seen a patient with late stage dementia hurl a fudge round at Peppy's head one second and belt out gospel songs a moment later. I've seen these memory patients "perk up" to music so many times, and every time it makes me feel...something. I don't know what, but something. 

This morning someone posted this clip of Trump supposedly saying he's not a Christian. First off, this is a deepfake to begin with. Let's just get that out of the way. Yes, they did play this for the people, but it is not of a real person. Anyway, intially I could hear "I'm not a Christian," but then I could hear "I'mma Christian." I feel like this was intentional to make him sound either way. Either way he's obviously not a follower of Christ, and anyone with any iota of discernment should be able to see that. He also literally just said he plans to end democracy, and that sounds like it would be a big deal to some of his supporters.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
