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"the next pandemic will REALLY get their attention."

Two years ago, back during the middle of the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial, Biden and other world "leaders" were discussing signing over sovereignty to the World Health Organization for the next potential pandemic. That treaty is pretty much finished. This has already happened, so the infrastructure is already in place and ready for the next pandemic.

And what do you know, WHO has declared monkeypox an issue again. Sweden has announced they have their first positive case, which is the first reported case outside of Africa. 

I don't know if anyone is even talking about this. Here is the proposal for the pandemic treaty. Basically this treaty is not about controlling disease, but rather just about control in general. Controlling people, controlling the information we receive. Control, control, control.

I just feel like people should at least be aware that this is going on. It will be much worse for those who are caught off guard. At the moment it looks like monkeypox isn't getting the immediate traction they were hoping for, but someone is making sure that everything will be ready for whatever they throw at us next/in the future.

Guard you heart, guard your mind, guard your spirit all the time.

(I was actually doing a little dance and singing as I typed that out. I've got a new idea for a show. "So You Think you Can Dance....From your Couch.")

Last Tuesday I was working the reception desk at the food bank and one of our financial assistance appointments arrived an hour late, after our interview team had already left. I told him we'd process him through anyway and as I was talking to him he said, "You aren't from around here are you? You have a different feel than most people I meet."

No sir, I am but a peculiar pilgrim in search of my homeland.

I didn't really say that, but I might as well have. I ended up interviewing him with someone else and it really just became a discussion about the faith of Job and how David was a sinner and yet considered a man after God's own heart. We talked about relationship as opposed to religion. I don't often get to experience the spiritual side of the food bank because I am usually bouncing back from desk to desk behind the scenes, rarely having the time to have deep discussions with anyone. So that was really nice. These conversations are always gifts to me. 

And then this random man hit on me and said he thought Owsley was my brother, and then two random ladies told me my hair was beautiful, so I was on a nice buzzy high for the rest of the day. I try to give compliments to people when I can. It doesn't take much. I'll admit I don't want to be hit on by random men who ask me if I married, and then follow it up with "happily married?" But it always kind of seems shocking to me that some men find me attractive. I've always had such amazing self-esteem.

Well this post went off on a tangent, so I'll just continue typing.

Last Sunday Peppy and I were cleaning out the shed and he had turned on the Olympics closing ceremony on mute. I had come back into the house to get something to drink and I saw a band performing, so I unmuted the tv and I was suddenly "electrocuted" by the Olympics. I don't know if they put up a strobe warning before the performance, but I had never experienced anything like that. It felt like one of the lights went straight from the tv and electrocuted all around my eye socket on the side of my face with TN. It was unlike anything I'd felt before. 

that one time the tv tried to murder me

I've been really busy lately. My in-laws came in on Friday and we spent all weekend with them, and this morning we are leaving for Ohio for the week. We have been promising to take the boys to Cedar Point ever since they went with my brother, SIL and Lincoln last year. (I really don't know why my nephew got a name and no one else did in that last sentence.) The highs this week are only around 72, which is a huge relief from the swampy, humid upper 90s it been here. My mother-in-law actually said it was hotter here than it had been in Florida. 

Speaking of hot, the screenshots below were taken on August 6th, 17th and this morning. Ever since the Ventusky blob, I have been randomly checking the site each day to see if I could *catch* it in action. But then I began to focus on that weird looking face in Antarctica, and noticed how quickly some of this seems to be moving and turning into slush....and I don't think this is normal. The phoenix is waking up. I know I have been reading for a while now that Antarctica is melting, but I didn't realize it was happening so fast you could see it on radars and satellites. 

updated to add 8/20/24

Just for the record, I was too lazy to crop these pictures, and I DO NOT support Koinoia House. Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone jumped to any conclusions. 

I am excited to go somewhere new. Well, as excited as someone incapable of feeling emotions can be. This time last month I told Peppy how glad I was we were going this particular week, because it seems to be the happiest/easiest/most energetic week of the month for me. Plus, I haven't had dessert in 10 days and my brain is feeling pretty much at its optimum. I'm excited to ride some new rollercoasters. I'm the only one who hasn't been to Cedar Point, although it was like 20 years ago when Peppy went, so does that even count? 

Our dryer decided to conk out last night on the very last load of clothes I needed to dry, so we hung them up all around the laundry room. Over the next week I will try not to think about the suitcase full of dirty clothes that will need to be washed and dried when we get home, because who cares? No big deal. Who doesn't like really stiff blue jeans and tee shirts? Hah.

I will not be surprised if during the DNC this week they pull the ol' switcheroo and my Michael, I mean, my Michelle Obama (Barak's words, not mine) runs for president. Just a simple mistake. I often accidentally call Peppy 'Peppina' or 'Peppa' or sometimes if I'm angry I call him "BRIANA!"

And of course, the big Chicago earthquake is due pretty much any time now. Man, do I sound insane. If I continue with this I'll be banished from society. An absolute outcast in this world that is quickly passing away right before our eyes. And I've never felt such absolute peace in my life. My heart and soul feel like a calm lake most of the time. I literally feel sheltered under God's wing. I feel comforted and guided in my steps every single day. 

"We are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished will not remain an outcast." 2 Samuel 14:14
