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stream of consciousness

Y'all seen the movie Infinity Pool? It's terrible, but it's basically about how the super rich have an endless supply of clones they can 'kill off' if they are caught committing a crime. (Spoiler: they are all vacationing on La Tolqa where so many things are illegal and result in the death penalty.)

I'm beginning to think it has more documentary elements than anything else. The Diddy mugshot is definitely more of a 'did-n't' because that is not the real Puff Diddler. Seriously, look at that alien head and what is with the massive Tesla logo over his eyebrows? 

What is this? Not a human, that's for sure. Possibly A.I, but 100% not the original born Sean Combs. Maybe he just had hundreds of clones of himself for his freak out parties, but sadly I feel like there were a lot of underage and unwilling participants at his parties, and not just copies of copies of copies of himself. Maybe that's why this one looks so stupid, because it's already a clone of a clone of a clone. 

 I've got a feeling that just like Epstein this is going to turn out to be a big ol' nothing burger, because everyone who is anyone has hung out with the Diddler. It is all just this huge open secret now. I feel like the timing of this is a massive distraction from what is going on in Lebanon, or the fact the US is basically just chilling without a president at the moment. Or maybe some sort of insane space weather that is scheduled to happen at any moment. 

There were 23 local arrests in middle and high school last week due to terror threats and kids bringing weapons (or claiming to bring weapons) to school. I regularly get recommended r/teachers and a couple days ago I saw a post asking what words were currently banned in your classroom. Most of them included "diddy" and "diddy party." Even though my kids are homeschooled, I pray for the schools every day. I can't imagine being a teacher and attempting to teach a classroom of students anything. I really do think that would make me go completely insane.

First I noticed an influx in local and national articles about animal attacks. Then school terror threats. Starting last week I noticed an alarm trend of stories about toddlers aged 2-3 escaping their homes while their parents thought they were sleeping. Google 'toddler wandering alone.' You used to hear these stories every once in a while, but the amount of regular stories about toddlers wandering around alone is astounding. One of them broke out of daycare and went to the grocery store for snacks and Hot Wheels. There was another story where an eight year old wanted to go to Target, so she took her mom's car and drove there herself. Seriously. What is going on? Where are the parents in all of these scenarios? 

Something very precious is being stolen from us in real time. Something that has always made us uniquely human. It is being looshed away, and how can people stop it when they don't even see it? How can they see if it they never, ever take a moment to bask in the silence? How can you hear from God if you never shut up and allow your mind to have a moment of silence? 

Why try? I'm that guy Holden Caulfield from 'Catcher in the Rye.' Put away cause he wasn't all there, like a jigsaw puzzle you might compare me to him, not a liver but wurst. 

That one really did come out of left field. For real. 

I was bored one afternoon and I have made a conscious effort that if I'm bored I will not turn to technology, I will read something instead. So I read the book of Enoch and then started reading 1st Esdras for the second time, and was so excited to realize that Esdras begins right at where I currently am in the Old Testament right now. Reading the OT has been so different this time around. I think this is the thirteenth time I've read the entire bible over the last ten years, but this is the first time where it feels like I'm in it. Since reading all the extrabiblical texts over the last few years there are so many names and places that finally make sense to me. Understanding ancient traditions and myths helps me understand the how and why of a lot of things that I never truly comprehended. There is something happening when I read the OT right now that is nothing short of supernatural. I don't know how to explain it other than sometimes it literally feels like I am there as I am reading, like I am being transported through space and time. 

He IS a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. He is faithful each and every day, and nothing in this life makes sense outside of him. 
