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I caught one!

This morning while I was doing my early morning one-woman dance party on the deck, I noticed a mover in the sky so I tried to record it. I wasn't sure if it would show up because it was so dim, but it did. I will try and upload the video later because I really do need to get off the couch and get going. It is so very light on the video, but you can definitely see a ball of light dancing around.

If this is a satellite I can almost promise you that they shouldn't be moving that way and someone needs to be alerted ASAP.

One of these things is not like the others. One of these things doesn't belong.

It is the greyish blue guy towards the bottom. He's not like the others. It jumps up, does a flip and then comes down, and then continues to bounce a couple times like a basketball. Kinda like I was about to be led in some karaoke in the sky. I can't wait to see what Peppy thinks when he wakes up. 

Kinda coincidental, but the only part of last night's dream that I remember is saying to someone, "Doesn't anyone look up at the sky anymore?" Because there were these dementor type things zooming through the sky, as well as these stingray ships hovering in the air. (Un-stealthfighters with tails?)

It has been so awesome being outside each morning while it is still so dark. It has been eerily silent the last few mornings and I don't know where all the birds suddenly went. I doubt they migrated since it is still so warm here. Peppy suggested they all went in search of water, which is definitely plausible and probably has a lot to do with it. It has just been abnormally quiet outside over the past week. 

And speaking of water, it almost seems like everywhere on earth is either going through a drought or is completely flooded right now. Peppy showed me this reddit post about Roswell, New Mexico being flooded. There's so many places that are flooding right now that aren't making it on the news. I had no idea.
