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too soon, too soon

Last night I heard that one of the former members of the boy band, One Direction, had fallen out of the third story balcony from his hotel room and died. This information seemed to be breaking news faster than most "fell out of a balcony window" stories do. For some reason, this particular tragic end always seems to afflict those who discover a cure for cancer, or AIDS, or you know, want to whistle-blow something. 

There was also another news story about a Jonas brother running off stage in a panic because someone pointed a laser at his face. I don't know anything else about these two young men....but we all know how Hollywood and celebrity culture work around here.

It appears that someone is sending a very loud message to all the young men that attended the Diddler's festivities in years past.....STFU. Or else. 

Y'all know by now that sometimes I just know things. I don't get to choose what I pick up on, I just intuitively know something. And I know that is what is going on here.

But Deanna, they said Liam was behaving erratically and could have been abusing substances.

Yes, Ok, maybe I would be too if the same thing happened to me. Maybe I'd be acting erratic in a major PTSD way if all this information that I had been trying to keep undercover was coming out to the public years later. I imagine that I WOULD be acting erratically if I were a public figure and someone could pull out damning photos and videos of me at any moment. 

I am praying for boldness and courage for everyone who is trying to stand up against these powers of darkness for what is right, even if they know that their courage could lead to death. 

You want to know who else is in this big club, while Diddler is the scapegoat? Look around and see who has been in the spotlight for most of your life. Your musicians. Your actors. Your politicians. Your talk show hosts. There's your answers. Don't fool yourself, because every single person we are supposed to admire has sold out. The only way to rise the ladder is to be manually pushed up after they gather whatever incriminating evidence they want from you. That way if you wake up and change your mind one day and want to escape, you can't. 

I don't know why any parent would seek celebrity for their child. It's sex trafficking out in the open. Ugh. My heart breaks for these young men and women. I want to go back in time and shake their guardians to wake up. (I am so very forgiving, but child abuse and sexual abuses bring out the white hot rage inside of me that makes me feel like I could destroy and consume any pedophile or abuser in my path. I think this is another reason why I am so concerned about the hardcore Trump fans. Can they not see he is in the thick of it along with everyone else? So crazy to me. He's even talked on record about being sexually attracted to his daughter when she was 13. Gross.)

Maybe posting about this man's death is too soon, but the way they are slamming news at us and how things are changing literally by the minute, this needs to be said now before this man is forgotten by everyone but his family. 
