In the 'Christmas story,' the (unnumbered amount of) wise men followed the star all the way to the house Jesus and Mary were in. But when you think about it, stars don't move in a way that would directly point out anyone's home as they traveled all the way from the east. So I'm here to theorize, maybe the Christmas star was actually the Christmas drone. Or at least that is what government officials would say if they modernized the story.
According to the account related to the screenshot above, when the one drone fell, ten more arrived hovering above. Something is actually happening. I mean, I knew it would, but still it is a bit surreal to acknowledge what insanity is about to be thrown at us. It feels like we are being set up because there is no way that the folks in charge have no clue what is going on. There is no way. They know.
I've been seeing a lot of comments of people saying stuff like, "This shows how we have no control over the air space."
Right. There's a prince over that. He's the one that controls the powers of the air.
I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-ial.
Yesterday I read that the drones might operate on a frequency that we are incapable of picking up. There have also been videos of chemicals being sprayed out of some of the drones recently, and people in New Jersey coming down with a new sickness that is similar to radiation poisoning very suddenly. Peppy isn't always down with all my theories, but he is interested in the drones and he sent me this picture in the middle of the night. He said there was a huge chemtrail that just lingered directly above our house for a while. He watched the flight radar for the next 90 minutes and he said nothing would fly near the thing, and there is regular air traffic above our head, day and night.
I am dying with laughter over here. DailyMail had an article about what six hours of sleep will do to your body. Since having covid I sleep from 10-4 on the best nights. Some mornings my body does try to wake up closer to 3 am. I sleep wonderfully and have no trouble going to sleep or staying asleep. I feel very rested when I wake up. But even before covid I was never a late sleeper. I'd stay up until 11 and get up at 5. I have only ever slept 8 or more hours when I'm sick or have taken medication.
DailyMail also claims a resurfaced clip of Lebron James has come out where he says, "There ain't no party like a Diddy party." James has recently given up his basketball career for personal reasons. They have infiltrated everywhere.
Yesterday I had a random meeting with a group of pastors. Apparently they had scheduled a tour a month ago, but no one thought to tell me. It turned out great though, because I got the main guy's contact and he said to email him with anything we need and he would send it to all the pastors and their congregations on his master list. Every time I have interactions like this, I get a little more confident. I know that I know what I'm doing, but I'm not a natural people-er, but the more I people, the better I get at it. It is still not a natural thing to me, but I am getting better.
Before I was leaving we got a huge donation of leftover Hot Wheels and stuffed animals after Tots for Tots and United Way had put together their Christmas bags. So this morning I get to sort through toys that we can hand out to young children of our clients. We also had a man come in, ask us what we need, and immediately go out and purchase $600 worth of diapers in the sizes we didn't have. I get to be around the best people. I can't believe I get paid to do this.
This is definitely worth a watch or a listen, especially if you know a thing or two about the book of revelation.
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