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la nota roja

Hey....did you just accept terms and conditions in a language you don't know or understand? Most of us don't even bother reading the fine print in our own language. But China? America decides to potentially ban TikTok as a censorship tool, so China becomes the next best option? 

Obviously TikTok is a super powerful social media tool. Not only does it data mine like no other, but it has to be the biggest propaganda tool since the radio. I had never even heard of RedNote until yesterday, but with Leave the World Behind basically being a playbook for 2025, I don't think this is a coincidence at all. 

This is not organic. 

Hold onto your butts, because we are closing in on THE week. Trump goes hand-in-hand with Hitler/Nazis and the vril and Tavistock, and I do believe he will reveal something about 'aliens' when he comes into office again, because clearly the time is now. I originally laughed at the idea of the Galactic Federation, but he knows something big, and with the drones and how we are all literal idiots now, it is the manufactured time for the big reveal. 

Lots of us feel it. Over the last two days Sheldon is back to acting like a terrified freak. Even Frankie, who normally spends long hours at a time outside, is driving us insane wanting to come and go every single five minutes. It's like she comes back in and forgets why she didn't want to be outside, only to scratch to be let out and then immediately want to come back in.The animals definitely sense a change. 

Last night I had a dream that these pterodactyl/giant black bird hybrid things had been unleashed at night. They were very strong and could burst through most surfaces. You just had to hide and make it through the night and then they were gone during the day.  

If you have not seen this video about the guy comparing the average person's wealth to Elon Musk's wealth using grains of rice, you are in for a treat. All you folks who like America AND Elon Musk (for some odd reason,) here's the guy *that is not even an American* that is pulling Trump's puppet strings. His net worth compared to ours is literally to space and back. It is both fascinating and appalling to see his mountain of rice. Money is power, and Mr. Mouse Testicles in controlling so much more than anyone is aware of.

One day I might end up being beheaded for speaking against Antichrist Musk. Gladly. In the same way that I've always intuitively known I'd live to see the end times, I've also always deeply felt that I'd be decapitated one day, even if I didn't exactly understand why I thought that. I've never had a guillotine fetish or anything, but I've always resonated with the Yeah Yeah Yeah's Heads Will Roll. Kind of like I've always known I'd never be raptured away before the bad stuff happens. And I hate suffering. It's not like I'm excited for the horrible stuff, or even dwelled on this stuff all my life. I've actually pushed it into the back of my mind, but it's always been there, just telling me to accept the truth of what is. 

Just like I've also accepted that I know I sound like I'm insane. I think if you spent any time around me in person, you'd quickly realize that I'm not, and if you are a 'feeler' you might even comment on how calm and peaceful my energy is.

So there's two options here: 1) My diligent prayer and study have paid off in my understanding through revealed knowledge and answered prayer, or 2) you are witnessing the real-time madness of someone expiring from a prion disease. I personally feel like it's a combination of both, although more coming from the answered prayer side. Either way, how fascinating for everyone involved! 

And thank you Father for always being faithful and truly rewarding all those that seek you out. Because I know that even if I am a little insane, your power is so much mightier than my craziness. You know my heart and mind, and even if I start to veer off into some false truths, you always lead me back to the right path. You are a treasure to me. 

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. -Ecclesiastes 3:11
