Have you ever been pulled from class to go sit in a closet and take a hearing test? The whole setup was all in like, a suitcase, with these big headphones. You put them on and it began with all these electronic tones and you were told to close your eyes and listen to the sounds and let them know when you see the red dot.
See the red dot? How am I supposed to see a sou-
There it was. I heard a sound and it instantly made me see a red dot in my mind.
I had forgotten all about the red dot hearing test.
I did remember trying to guess what shapes were on the backs of cards.
I had forgotten about listening to the scenarios either on tape, or read by a person, and then I got to predict what might happen next when the story suddenly stopped.
Why were the windows of the gifted room papered over with brown paper? Even when we were in a portable they didn't want us to see in or out. A sensory deprivation chamber of sorts.
Why did we play SO MUCH Oregon Trail?
And it turns out there may be a reason that I hate those strawberry hard candies. I have had a few forgotten memories pop up, and one of them was being given two or three strawberry candies at the end of each session as some kind of incentive. I have never tasted strawberry candies like those particular ones ever again. They were actually delicious and the ones I've had since are nasty with such a weird texture.
I decided to turn on the first Gateway Tape to see if it struck any sort of recognition, and there was 100% familiarity hearing the electronic sounds at the beginning. And then chills down my spine when he says, "If you don't hear my voice in your right ear, take your headphones off and turn them around." I also had this weird memory of someone telling us to keep our eyes closed and that she was watching and would know if we were opening our eyes and looking around.
I realized that I legitimately have zero memories of third grade and only a couple of fourth grade. I have a few staples, like I know that my best friend at the time moved to Georgia at the end of the year, and that third grade is the year we learned cursive. But honestly, I have NO memories of third grade. I have tried to remember the last few days and I've got nothing. I can tell you lots of stuff about all the other years, before and after. But third grade? I can see a vivid image of Mrs. Wren, my third grade teacher, but that is all. I don't know if I ever remembered third grade, but I sure don't now, and fourth grade is just a blurry smear. But maybe this was because I needed glasses at the time and didn't know it. I can tell you tons of stuff about second and fifth grades though.
Have I been MKUltra'd? Joking, but not really joking, because I have always thought the gifted program was searching out certain types of children, but tons of us formerly 'gifted' children are coming out with testimonies of the same exact weird experiences in these programs. Me and another one of my friends did always wonder how exactly this program was supposed to foster the super talented and intelligent kids, because we sure didn't feel like we fit into that NOR did we think what we were being taught was in anyway special. We just liked getting to leave our regular school and go hang out with our gifted class friends once a week and do puzzles and solve codes.
So yeah, what are they looking for? Not just future world leaders or children that, due to trauma and abuse, are easily to brainwash and manipulate to become sleeper agents, but also kids with extra sensory abilities? Some of us have gifts that are easy to recognize, while others of us have gifts that are more difficult for the average person to recognize.
Anddddddd......if something has been scrubbed from my memory you know I can't leave well enough alone. I am going to need answers. Only I can do personal experiments on myself.
I will find out. I always find out. Even to my detriment. Curiosity is my insatiable hunger.
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