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when it starts to hit home

I was really excited to go to the My Morning Jacket show this weekend. They are one of my top five bands that I would carry to a deserted island. I have lost count of how many times Peppy and I have seen them over the last 16 years. Many times it was at least once a year. They put on a great show and have amazing energy. We saw them perform with a jazz band once, and it was incredible. I was excited to spend some time with Peppy, because date nights are extremely rare, and even though he's working from home, we legitimately don't see him any more than we used to. 

Yesterday morning I was getting ready to go to the food bank and thought I might ought to listen to MMJs newest album. Just like with many of the bands I've enjoyed for years, I prefer their earlier music over their newer stuff (I'm looking at you, Decemberists!), and I hadn't even listened to their newest release at all. I wondered who was opening for them, so I went to the venue website and saw that you had to either be fully vaccinated or have a rapid negative test.

::insert my heart hitting the floor::

Actually, I didn't really feel badly for myself, but I did not want to tell Peppy that I didn't want to go. I didn't want to hurt his feelings and there are many times we are not on the same page with what is going on in the world. He does see where we are headed, but I'm sure I can appear as an extremist at times. He agrees with a lot of things, but he humours me in other areas. 

Sooooo Peppy had told me about the negative test six months ago when he bought our tickets. And it's hard for me to imagine what mindset I was in at the time. I probably thought everything would be vaccine mandated by now. Either that, or it just slipped my mind, because I was aware of the rules ticketmaster had come up with. Apparently I just forgot. Like every other single thing this past year. 

I prayed and asked for guidance and direction, and I'm still coming back with a big 'DON'T DO THIS.' It feels like a calling on my life and I am just trying to be obedient. I believe corona is bioterrorism. Every single aspect of it. I believe that something terrible is happening to humanity right now and I would be a big sell out if I took a nasal test just to get in to a concert with vaccinated people, who do not have to test negative before they go to the concert. So what is even the point? You'll have proof that the unvaccinated are negative, but what about the super spreader vaccinated people? Oh wait, that's not the narrative that is being played out. Plus, I am not even sure if I want to support a band that has fallen for this plandemic propaganda. 

Peppy doesn't care about having a rapid swab test. and that's all well and good for him. But I am not him, and he doesn't understand what covid has stolen from me. A huge chunk of me is gone and who knows if it will ever come back. I am a shell of who I used to be. I am already aware of what the virus took away from me. I'm not willing on doing anything that might cause more damage to my mind or body. Maybe it's just PTSD or intuition or something telling me to stay away from those nose tests. I haven't had one yet and don't intend to. It just kind of circles back to the fact that I believe all of this was staged and planned years in advance. I don't trust the masks or the swabs, and definitely not the vaccine. There are sources that show nanoparticles on the swabs. I even posted about the potential of nanoparticles on masks and swabs back in April. I was praying for direction yesterday and then a couple hours later when I got on reddit this was the first thing I saw.

I really hope Peppy goes anyway, because I know he wants to, and I'm never going to force anyone to believe what I think is going on. I know he can find a friend to go with him. I know he's disappointed, but it's just a concert. I've been to hundreds. I better strap in and get used to this. There is still so much I can do without a vaccine, but who knows how much time goes along with that. 
