.....and everyone is dead from AIDS.
Fact checkers everywhere will immediately tell you that neither covid nor the vaccines will cause HIV/AIDS, and I surely hope those fact checkers are actually factual this time. I've had the thought that covid could possibly be airborne HIV for almost two years now when some leaked documents suggested that coronavirus had been spliced with HIV. In the beginning the covid narrative was telling us it could take up to ten days after exposure of coronavirus to show symptoms. This is similar to the onset of HIV. The first symptoms of HIV are also pretty similar to covid: fever, sore throat, headache, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, shingles, and pneumonia. After the initial onset of HIV there is an asymptomatic period. While there are no obvious symptoms, the virus keeps multiplying in the body and weakening the immune system.
Chinese doctors have reported that the autoposies of coronavirus patients indicate something that looks like a combination of SARS and AIDS. Does anyone remember how people were 'falsely testing positive for HIV' after they had covid? For the past month or so HIV/AIDS sure has been making a lot of headlines. Research from the Netherlands claims that a new variant of HIV causes double the rate of immune system decline and has the potential to develop into AIDS 3x faster than normal. I also saw this article today that says for the first time in a decade more heterosexual than homosexual people have AIDS. And Moderna has begun the clinical trial for its mRNA AIDS vaccine.
Were the vaccinated duped into believing they were doing the smart, unselfish thing, while they were actually spreading airborne HIV all over the place? Man, I sure hope not. But this HIV idea is a theory that has been rolling through my brain since pretty much the beginning of this pandemic.
Guess whose name was right in the middle of the 80s AIDS epidemic? Dr. Anthony Fauci. He wrote in a medical journal that you could catch AIDS from someone by being in ordinary close contact with them. (Sounds a little similar to six feet distancing.) He also recommended the drug AZT, which killed more people than it helped.
If both vaccinated people and every person who got covid become severely immunocompromised, the world will quickly fall apart. I genuinely hope this is not the case, but it is a little concerning that the European Union regulators warn that repeated boosters can cause damage to your immune system. So maybe technically it won't be HIV/AIDS, but it will basically do the same thing and be called another name. Like VAIDS- vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency disorder, or COVAIDS- covid induced acquired immunodeficiency disorder.
I'm not saying I'm right. But I'm not saying I'm wrong either. HIV or not, something is clearly going on in the world around us. People are having weird outbreaks, cancers are returning, and heart problems and stroke seem to be striking everyone, young and old alike. This is not normal.
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