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weird things are happening v.2

I am forever making notes for myself. I have never been a person who notices small details. I'm not very good at those "what's wrong with the picture" puzzles. Someone could literally run naked in front of me, and unless I was staring directly in their direction I wouldn't notice. Even then, I might actually be staring through them and still not see them. And now, even with these neon sticky notes on my accounting computer, I don't remember to put last name first. I think I am going to have to resort to a flashing neon sign. 

Well, I've collected another round of strange news stories. I didn't plan on posting another group of links so soon, but man is the news disturbing lately, or what? Also disturbing...the trend of mom jeans that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. They look just as stupid as they did 30 years ago. But that's cool if you want to look like you're wearing a diaper. Who am I to judge? I'm anxiously awaiting the return of JNCOs.

*Masks could be delaying the development of babies. I actually posted my concerns about this back in January.

*Hybrid monkey human embryos have been created in a lab for the first time. Hmmm, I wonder if weird chimera hybrids were also being created in the days of Noah?

*The FDA was caught buying aborted baby tissue from preemies that could have potentially survived. 

*Unvaccinated women claim to have miscarriages just by being near proximity to a vaccinated person. I don't know the validity of this claim, but wow, if true, this is insane and really does make me believe these vaccines are used for population control. 

*Chinese authorities seize over 7000 human penises on a cargo ship from Nigeria. Wait...what??

*Could Neurolink sell your thoughts to the highest bidder? Experts seem to think so.

*A mysterious goat has been found roaming death valley. This has the potential to cause much damage to this particular ecosystem.

*French National Academy of Medicine claims that nasal swab covid tests could be associated with increased meningitis risk.

*The real estate market is legitimately insane lately. Co-founder of BLM seems to be doing ok though. She recently purchased four different million dollar homes.

*Russia and Ukraine on the brink of war supposedly signals the coming of Messiah in a 400 year old prophecy.

*I have mentioned how covid changed my menstrual cycle and I'm not the only one. But now many vaccinated women are claiming the vaccine completely changed their cycles too. Going back to that whole population control thing....

*UK governments has planned for vaccine passports all along. Other countries soon to follow. 

*The Australian government is proposing a new bill that would require citizens to use two forms of ID in order to access social media. 

Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to disconnect and go outside. Enjoy the sun. Enjoy your friends and family. Make new connections and strengthen the ones you already have. 


  • weird things are happening v.182
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