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if we could see behind the curtain

Mysterious blue lights are appearing before these horrific natural disasters. My question is: is this technological, or an act of God? I'm personally leaning towards act of God and it being explained away by science and technology, because that seems to be how everything spiritual is explained away. Deny the true source of everything in the name of scientific research. I do believe direct energy weapons are being used, but I also believe this is the scapegoat for when true acts of God do occur.

Are these true signs in the heavens? Or is this manipulation from the prince of the power of the air? Either way, nothing on this earth happens without Yahuah's permission. If it is a DEW, he's allowing it to happen, possibly in an effort to have people turn to him before that door is eternally closed.

Maybe if we hadn't been conditioned to view the world through the eyes of science. Maybe if people read and understood scripture they might see the signs right in front of them. Otherwise it all gets explained away as "trust the science!" Egads, Transformer explosion! AHH! piezoelectric discharge!

Have mercy on us Father. This is the world we were born into. Wake up the ones who are still sleeping and have gigantic scales over their eyes before it is too late.

If somehow you live under a rock and have never seen I, Pet Goat 2, now is your time. This was made 9 years ago and wow, here we are. The world you were raised to survive in no longer exists. Maybe you and I aren't crazy, we just weren't made to thrive in this version of the world. A world where nothing is real anymore. Everything is canned and artificial. Everything is performative and fake. Everything is upside down and common sense is no longer common. 

I will not fall in line. I will not follow the narrative. I WILL NOT take the broad gate that leads to destruction, and I hope and pray that you don't either. 
In case you are confused, that is Horus/Zeus/Iesus/Jesus/Satan and not Christ. But hopefully the third eye and Egyptian symbolism made you realize that. 

The kids and I started watching the new Marvel Fury series last night. First episode they reveal reptilians have infiltrated the government and are trying to take over the world. Great, great. Reveal more truths in the name of fiction. I have learned there is more truth in these Marvel movies than any other franchise. But everyone walks away assuming it is all fantasy. 


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